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Создание каталогов для KitchenDraw с помощью MOBISCRIPT.

MOBISCRIPT -это инструмент для генерации каталогов KitchenDraw, позволяющий создавать описание мебели кухонь, ванных комнат и фарнитуры.

MOBISCRIPT – это легкий в использовании и в тоже время мощный инструмент. Он является лучшим и для разработчиков и для пользователей, позволяющий создовать каталоги легко и эффективно.

С MOBISCRIPT вы можете разрабатывать практически любые элементы каталогов не прибегая к графике, за исключением особо сложных случаев. Вы можете использовать основные составные части (корпуса, полки и т.д.) из основного каталога (Base Catalogue) для создания новых частей мебели.

Для примера: скрипт содержащий BEV 2PB 1E, создаёт однополочная/2 двери/мойка. Добвте сюда размеры данного изделия, проверте и установите цены. Вот и готов новый шкаф! Эти 8 символов дают: полную 3D модель, изображение для плана, короткое и длинное имя на любом из поддерживаемых KitchenDraw языке. Фасады (Door Styles) создаются так же легко, с помощью маленьких скриптов.

Если чего то нет в Основном Каталоге (Base Catalogue) вы можете легко создать создать базовый элемент используя MOBISCRIPT.

KITCHEN, BEDROOM & BATHROOM - полностью построены с использованием MOBISCRIPT.

KITCHEN& BATHROOM - подобны каталогу кухни и ванны главных британских изготовителей, и Вы наиболее вероятно найдете в этом большинство частей мебели, в которой Вы нуждаетесь. Это полезно при создании вашего первого каталога, поскольку Вы можете использовать и изменять его сценарии как образцы.

Для полного освоения всех каталогов в MOBISCRIPT может потребоваться несколько дней. Для ускорения процесса создания собственных каталогов можно воспользоваться методикой изменения констант, что позволяет изменить размеры и другие параметры существующих каталогов. Более подробно это описано в www.kitchendraw.com/trainingcatalogs.htm веб странице.

Структура каталога KitchenDraw.

KitchenDraw каталог содержит всю информацию: конструктивные единицы, фасады (Стили Двери), ручки, материалы (текстуры, цвета), и т.д.

Каталог содержит три основных уровня:

  1. Sections: - (Секции) - Основные классы элементов. Модули, столешницы, столы и т.д.
  2. Blocks: - (Блок:) - группируются изделия одного типа, которые являются доступными в различных размерах или с различными вариантами; Например, дверь доступная в шести различных ширинах - составляет один блок. Каталог обычно идентифицирует блок "виньеткой" (маленькое изображение), который описывает ссылки для каждого из доступных размеров.
  3. Articles: - (Артикул:) - член блока в данном размере, и возможно в данном открывшемся руководстве {направлении}. Каждому изделию назначена одина или несколько номеров ссылки, так же как одна или несколько цен согласно выбранной модели.

Перед созданием блока, необходимо создать секцию, чтобы было куда его вставить. Аналогично, секция и блок требуются перед созданием любого артикла

Каталог так же содержит список текстур (материалов), список моделей или фасадов (fronts), список боковых поверхностей обработки, ручек и т.д.

Элементы могут принадлежать "модель-зависимым" элементам (если их окончательная модификация зависит от модели или фасада) или принадлежать другой группе (если например они доступны в различных обработках и цветах), таких как "Ламинированные столешницы" и т.д. Все эти элементы имеющие одинаковую финишную модификацию принадлежат одному семейству.

KitchenDraw каталог так же содержит список текстур (материалов) и список глобальных констант определяющие размеры модулей и высоты их установки.



To start MOBISCRIPT (from the KitchenDraw Programme):


·         Choose Setup ½ Catalogs ½ Mobiscript, or click on the icon (if you have added it to your Icon toolbar).


Creating a New KitchenDraw Catalog


To create a new KitchenDraw catalog:


1.      Choose File | New in the MOBISCRIPT menu bar.

2.      Fill in the following text areas in the Information dialog box:

File: name of the file (.CAT) for the new catalogue (8 characters maximum). This is the name by which the file will be stored on the computer.

Name: name of the catalogue displayed in the KitchenDraw planning window (30 characters maximum)

Code: catalogue code (useful for statistics in particular)

Password: if you wish to protect your catalogue, this password will be requested every time there is an attempt to open the catalogue in MOBISCRIPT

Type: the type of content of the catalogue (kitchen, bathroom, appliances, accessories, etc.)

Sub-type:  for certain Types  of catalogues, the Sub-type  can be used. For example, for a Kitchen & Bathroom catalogue, the Sub-type allows you to specify if the catalogue is a carcass catalogue or a door catalogue,

Base Catalogue: the catalogue with the base elements (base part drawings) from which the contents of the new catalogue will be built (for example the kitchen base catalogue)

Working Language: the language that the creator of the new catalogue wishes to use
 Measuring unit:
used to specify in which measuring unit the sizes or heights are expressed for the contents of the catalog. It is possible to choose a metric measuring unit (millimetre, centimetre) or Imperial, i.e. American (tenth of inch, 1/32 2nd  of inch, 1/16 th  of inch, 1/8 th  of inch),

3.      In the “Price” area of the Information dialog box, specify if the prices displayed are purchase or sale prices, in which currency they are expressed, if they all are inclusive of value added tax or not, and if they include the vat, the rate of tax applied.

4.      Confirm by clicking on the OK button or by pressing the ENTER key.


A catalogue created as above will include the drawings from the chosen Base Catalogue. These drawings will not appear in the new catalogue but are now available as a source from which to create the items and models of the new catalogue by script-writing.


Adapting the Global Constants


Catalogs of items for kitchen and bathroom furniture define standard cabinet dimensions (base-unit height, wall-unit depth, etc.), as well at fitting altitudes (fitting altitudes of base units, storage units, worktop altitude, etc.).

In printed catalogues, such values are often given on dimensioned front views.

In the KitchenDraw electronic catalogues, these values are defined in a Table of Constants.

The Base Catalogue for kitchens and bathrooms (“KITCHEN BASE”) contains a Table of Constants, with default values.

When a catalogue is created on the basis of the “KITCHEN BASE” catalogue, or of an intermediate catalogue itself based on the “KITCHEN BASE” catalogue its Table of Constants is, at first, identical with the Base Catalogue’s.

It is very unlikely that the standard sizes of the catalogue one wishes to create will be identical to the standard dimensions of the Base Catalogue. Their values therefore have to be modified in the new catalogue.

It is more efficient to make the modifications before creating the blocks and the articles, because the values are automatically used for the fitting altitudes of the blocks and for the default sizes of the items.

The constants to be found in the Table of Constants are called global constants, unlike the local constants sometimes used in topview symbols or in some 3D models (such as Frame widths for doors).

The global constants are numbered C17 to C127. The value of a constant is identical wherever it appears in the catalogue. (Example of a global constant: “BU carcase depth” which specifies the standard depth of base units carcasses)

Local constants are numbered C1 to C16. Their meaning applies only to the 2D symbol or the 3D model where they appear. Thus two 2D symbols or two 3D models may have the same local constant even though these constants have different values. Local constants do not appear in a catalogue’s Table of Constants. However, they can be modified, as you will see when we come to the scripts. (Examples of local constants: baluster heights on rustic end elements, or the thickness of a rustic-hood beam.)


To Modify the Global Constants of the Catalogue Opened in MOBISCRIPT:


1.      In the “Entity” option box, select Constants.
The current catalogue’s list of global constants is displayed.

2.      Modify the value of the constants to be found in the “Value” column.



·         You should fill in as many constants as possible, in particular the depth of the cabinets without fronts (“BU carcase depth”, etc.), and its depth with fronts (“BU depth”, etc.), by adding 20mm to the depths without fronts. (ie the units have 20mm fronts on them).

·         You can ignore global constants that are not relevant to the catalogue you are creating. There is no need, for example, to change the value of the “Shallow BU depth” constant if you have no shallow base units in your catalogue.

·         The values displayed in the “Original Value” column are those of the Base Catalogue. They cannot be modified and are displayed for information only.

·         The front heights (such as doors) must include the gap between the fronts so that for a piece of furniture, the sum of the fronts heights corresponds to the height of the carcase. EG, a door on a 720 mm base unit must have a 720mm door although the door is actually 715 mm in height. The same principle applies to the widths.


Meaning of certain Global Constants:


BU & TU depth difference: in certain catalogues, the tall units are deeper than the base units. Enter the negative value -30 if the tall units are deeper than the base units by 30mm.


Diag. BU & TU depth difference: certain base units have one side deeper than the other one. This constant makes it possible to indicate this difference in depth.


Bridging drawer height: represents the height (allowances included) of the drawer located just below the worktop. Sometimes this drawer does not have the same height as the other drawers.


Front height x 1-20: these 20 constants represent multiples height of a drawer - allowances included. They are used in the KitchenDraw generic catalogue to define the standard heights of the units. This system is used by many continental manufacturers. To adapt the standard heights of the generic catalogue to the standard heights of a particular manufacturer, you can modify these 20 constants. (In the UK these are not necessary so these can be used to define personalised constants)


Diag. end BU & TU front cut: this constant makes it possible to specify the cutting width of a diagonal shelf unit.



Diag. end BU & TU side cut: this constant makes it possible to specify the depth of a diagonal shelf unit


Width of corner BU(WU) return filler: this constant is used to specify the width of a corner filler.



·         User Constant #1-#10: these 10 constants are not used in the standard base catalogues. You can use them in your own catalogues if you wish to be able to change easily and quickly certain repetitive dimensional values in your catalogue.



Creating Sections


Sections represent the paper catalogue sections and can be created in the order of the manufacturers catalogue. EG Base Units, Wall Units, etc.


One or several sections must be created before creating blocks. You can choose to create all the sections right away, or to create them as you go along.


To Add a Section to the List:


1.      Select “Sections” in the “Entity” drop down list.

2.      Click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the window.

3.      Enter the name of the section in the “Name” column and possibly its code in the column "Code" (if there is one – although this is not obligatory).

Note: if the name of the Section starts with the character "@" it will not be visible to the user in KitchenDraw. This is useful for creating sections in which objects will be created that should not be seen individually by the user; for example blocks which will be used only as components.


To Insert a Section:


1.      Select the section before which you want to insert a new one.

2.      Click on the “Insert” button at the bottom of the window.

3.      Enter the name of the section in the “Name” column.



·         If you wish to add or to insert several sections at the same time, before clicking on “Add” or “Insert” enter the number of sections required in the data entry field found before the text “Line(s)” at the bottom of the window.

·         You can also enter a number n in the “Nb” Column next to the “Name” column. In this case, MOBISCRIPT creates n empty blocks (for scripting units) associated with this section. Filling in this column it not essential at this stage, since blocks can also be created in the Blocks Table.


To Delete a Section:

1.      Select the section you want to remove.

2.      Click on the “Delete” button at the bottom of the window.


To Remove Consecutive Sections:

1.      Select the sections you want to remove by scrolling over them with the mouse.

2.      Click on the “Delete” button at the bottom of the window.


To Modify a Section:

·         Directly modify the text in the “Name” column, or the number of blocks in the “Nb” column.


N.B. The table editing principles described above also apply to the other MOBISCRIPT tables you will find later in these instructions.




The Blocks Table (Block Scripts)




Block creation in MOBISCRIPT creates the drawings for the items and amounts to writing simple scripts which call and assemble drawings from the “Base Catalogue” on which your catalogue is based..

A script is a text which you enter and that contains references to parts. The parts are the blocks of the base catalogue you have chosen when creating your own catalogue. When you leave the cell containing a script, this script is compiled and the block is completed (topview 2D symbol, 3D model in perspective, short and long names, sundry attributes). Some of these characteristics can be modified manually later.


Here is an example of a very simple script: BEV 2PB 1E


This script calls 3 parts from the base catalogue: BEV represents the carcass of a sink base unit, 2PB represents 2 base unit doors and 1E represents an adjustable shelf.

The first part of the script is called the base part (BEV here) and is essential: it gives the block its basic characteristics (type, kind of furniture, layer, pricing type, size constants, fitting altitude constants, etc.)

The parts following the base part simply complete the block’s 2D symbol, its 3D model as well at its short and long names.

Thus a block’s 3D model is made up from all the 3D models of the parts contained in the script, starting with the base part and adding the complementary parts.

+ + =




The same goes for the topview 2D symbol (part 1E having no topview 2D symbol).


 + = 



In the same way, the block’s short name is made up of the short names of the parts, in the order in which they appear in the script (part 1E having no short name):

Sink Unit + 2D = Sink Unit 2D


The same goes for the long name:

Sink unit + - 2 H69cm Doors + - 1 Adjustable Shelf =

Sink unit - 2 H69cm Doors - 1 Adjustable Shelf


Parts Parameters


Each part of a script can receive one or several parameters, added between brackets. Different parameters have to be separated by a comma, as in the following script:

BEV 2PB(H=550) 2B(H=150,Z=550)

In this script, parameter H of part 2PB specifies that the 2 doors do not cover the entire height of the carcass, but only 550mm. The parameters of part 2B (2 blank panels side by side) indicates a front height of 150mm and their placing altitude is 550mm from the bottom of the carcass (ie directly above the doors).


The example above states an absolute placing height for the blank panels. Their placing height can be specified differently:

BEV 2PB(H=550)+2B(H=150)


The “+” sign separating part 2PB from part 2B indicates that part 2B comes directly above part 2PB. With this method, it is no longer necessary to state the altitude of the parts, since MOBISCRIPT calculates it by adding the height of any previous parts from which it is separated by “+” signs.

Similarly, the “/” sign allows juxtaposing (side by side) parts, as in the following script:

BEV 2PB(L=800)/DR5(L=400).


N.B. – Parts are always added from the RIGHT to the LEFT when looking at the unit from the front. Thus, part 2PB is on the RIGHT side of the cabinet, and part DR5 is on the LEFT.


Parameters List


Here are the parameters that can be added to parts, as well as their default value:



Default Value



Block width

Width of the part


Block depth

Depth of the part


Block height

Height of the part



Position of the part (on the width axis)



Position of the part (on the depth axis)



Position of the part (on the height axis)



Rotation of the part on the horizontal plane



Rotation of the part on the Oyz plane



Rotation of the part on the Oxz plane



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a L (left) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a left direction (transmitted direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a L (left) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a right direction (inverted direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a L (left) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a left direction (forced Left direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a L (left) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a right direction (forced Right direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a L (left) direction (or no direction) and is represented with no direction (No direction). Thus, the primitives of the 2D or 3D entities representing the part and having a left or right direction are excluded



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a R (right) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a right direction (transmitted direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a R (right) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a left direction (inverted direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a R (right) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a left direction (forced Left direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a R (right) direction (or no direction) and is represented in a right direction (forced Right direction)



The part is taken into account only for items in the block having a R (right) direction (or no direction) and is represented with no direction (No direction). Thus, the primitives of the 2D or 3D entities representing the part and having a left or right direction are excluded



The part is taken into account whatever the direction of the block item and is represented with a left direction



The part is taken into account whatever the direction of the block item and is represented with a right direction



The part is taken into account whatever the direction of the block item and is represented with no direction. Thus, the primitives of the 2D or 3D entities representing the part and having a left or right direction are excluded



The part is taken into account whatever the direction of the block item and is represented with the same direction than the block item (transmitted direction)



The part is taken into account whatever the direction of the block item and is represented with the opposite direction than the block item (inverted direction)


Defined in Base Catalog

Forces de parameterized texture to another value


No decoration

Applies the stated decoration onto the part
(drawings are chosen in the "Drawings" list of 2D entities to be found in the Base Catalogue window (to reach it, choose Catalog | Base Catalog, or press F2).


Defined in the Base Cat.

Front overhang (for worktops and linear parts)


Defined in the Base Cat.

Side overhang (for worktops and linear parts)


Defined in the Base Cat.

Cutting depth (for worktops)


Defined in the Base Cat.

Cut-off cutting depth (for cut-off corner worktops)



Prevents the part’s short name
from being chained to the generated short name.



Prevents the part’s long name
from being chained to the generated long name.



Prevent the default drawing for topview (2D entity) of the part from being taken into account



Prevent the default 3D model (3D entity) of the part from being taken into account



Allows replacement of the 2D entity of the part either by indicating the name of another 2D entity from the catalogue, or by indicating the code of a part which uses this entity



Allows replacement of the 3D entity of the part either by indicating the name of another 3D entity of the catalogue, or by indicating the code of a part which uses this entity



Replaces the part’s short name by a free text set in double quotes as in the following example: TEXT(TC= ‘’ RONDO’’)



Replaces the part’s long name by a free text set in double quotes as in the following example: TEXT(TL= ‘’ RONDO Cabinet’’)





By default, a part is given the same direction as the item that is placed into the scene.
Example: in a “Base Unit 1D” block created from script B 1PB, left-sided items (or alternatively right-sided ones) will be drawn with part 1PB in its left-sided version (or right-sided).
However, this simple pattern may not be suitable in some cases. One may need not to represent some parts for the left items of a block, or to draw parts as right-sided for left-sided items, or the other way round. Parameters
GT, GI, GG, GD, GA, DT, DI, DG, DD, DA, IG, ID, IA, IT and II are used to define the direction of the part relative to the direction of the block items.

A parameter beginning by G (gauche) (or D (droite)) enables selection of a part only for items in the block with a left (or respectively right) direction. The parameters starting with I do not cause any extraction, but change part direction relative to block item direction.

Here is an example of a script implementing the direction-management parameters. The cabinet is a 3-door sink base unit, with the isolated door on the opposite side to the direction of the item (for a L item, the isolated door is to the right when looking at the piece of furniture from the front):

BEV 1PB(GI,L=400)/2PB(GT,L=800)  or BEV 2PB(DT,L=800)/1PB(DI,L=400)




Left version Right version

Parameter T allows the changing of the part’s default texture (color) as defined in the Base Catalogue. A part may be allocated a fixed texture, taken from the catalog’s list of textures, or else a variable texture, depending on the choices made by the KitchenDraw user during his planning work.

To replace a part’s default texture by a fixed texture, just key: T=XXX, where XXX is the texture code as displayed in the Textures Table of the catalogue being created.

To replace a part’s default structure by a variable texture, just enter: T=@, followed by the code of the variable texture. Here are the available codes for variables textures:





Front texture 1


Front texture 2


Front surround texture


Outside carcass texture


Inside carcass texture


Free texture 1
(adjustable by means of a color palette reached from the “Attributes” dialog box)


Free texture 2
(adjustable by means of a color palette reached from the “Attributes” dialog box)


Parameter DEC allows the application of a decoration (2D entity) onto sections of the part. Only one decoration may be specified per part; however the chosen decoration may appear in several spots on the part if the part’s design allows it. The applicable drawings are those to be found in the “Drawings” list of 2D entities in the Base Catalogue. The drawings in this list can be looked up and displayed through the Base Catalogue dialog box, opened from Catalog | Base Catalog, or by pressing F2, and then choosing the “Drawings” list of entities.


Parameters DF and DL are relevant only for worktops or for linear elements such as plinths, cornices or pelmets. For worktops, they correspond to the front and side overhangs of the edge of the worktop relative to the side of the carcass, on the front (DF) and on the sides (DL). For linear elements, it corresponds to an offset, i.e. the distance between the side of the carcass and the back of the linear element, on the front (DF) and on the sides (DL).


Parameters PC and PCA are relevant only for worktops (other than chipboard worktops for tiling). They give the cutting depth for the 90° joint of 2 straight worktops (PC), or for the joint of a straight worktop with a cut-off worktop (PCA).



Here are the default values of parameters DF, DL, PC and PCA according to part types:


Part Type





Worktop for tiling (PTCLIN, etc)





Worktops (PTLIN, etc.)





Plinths (LSOC)





Pelmets (LCLCRECT, etc.)





Cornices (LCOC, etc.)





Worktop edges (LCPTBP1, etc.)






Base-parts Specific Parameters

Base parts (the ones that appear in the first position in the scripts) can receive extra parameters applying to the generated block:



Default Value




Without legs (hides the legs)



Reverse direction
(allows reversing the choice of direction set in the base catalogue, if it does not correspond to the direction of the catalogue being created)


Defined in the catalog

Horizontal angle of the 3D vignette


Defined in the catalog

Vertical angle of the 3D vignette


Defined in the catalog

Opening angle of the 3D vignette


Defined in the catalog

Display of a left-sided item as 3D vignette


Defined in the catalog

Display of a right-sided item as 3D vignette


Defined in the catalog

Display of an open item as 3D vignette


Defined in the catalog

Display of a closed article as 3D vignette


Defined in the catalog

Minimum width


Defined in the catalog

Maximum width


Defined in the catalog

Minimum depth


Defined in the catalog

Maximum depth


Defined in the catalog

Minimum height


Defined in the catalog

Maximum height



"Component Demanded ": displays the dialog box for components during the placing of the object in KitchenDraw


Defined in the catalogue

Indicate that the articles with direction on the right are drawn by carrying out a symmetry on the X axis (width) compared to their equivalent with direction on the left



For items priced as "per unit", indicates the number of items which one can place in the scene before counting an additional unit in pricing (for example of the tiles sold out of boxes).

For items priced as "x W" etc, the length or surface to which the price applies (in a catalogue in millimetres, a value of 100 indicates that the entered price corresponds in a 10 cm length item)


Defined in the catalogue

Number of the global constant (from the constants table representing the width of the block articles (useful when one creates a generic catalogue i.e. a catalogue which one wants to be able to change dimensions of the articles in a global way thanks to the Constants Table) OR

specific use for the technical symbols (see sub-section "technical Symbols")


Defined in the catalogue

Number of the global constant (from the constants table) representing the depth of the articles of the block OR

specific use for the technical symbols (see sub-section "technical Symbols")


Defined in the catalogue

The number of the global constant (from the constants table) representing the height of the articles of the block


Defined in the catalogue

The number of the constant (from the constants table) representing the altitude of the articles of the block


Defined in the catalogue

Indicates that the price of the article is calculated by carrying out the sum of the price of its components



Specify the model and the finishes to be applied by default during the placing of the article in the scene.
The format is as follows:


Where CM is the code of the model, PC is the price column, CFM1 is the code of the choice of the first model finish, CFF1 is the code of the choice of the first family finish, etc.


When parameter SP (without legs) appears in the parameters of a base part, it hides the legs of the carcass. This can be useful for bathroom units or wall-fitted base units.

Parameter SI reverses the choice of direction made in the base catalogue. The direction of corner base units or L-shaped rustic hoods for example is not always understood in the same way by different manufacturers. The designer of the Base Catalogue has chosen directions that may not correspond, for some blocks, to the choices made for the catalogue you are creating (Example – Kitchendraw draws a right hand corner unit, but the manufacturer calls it a Left Hand Corner). In this case, add parameter SI to the parameters of the base part in the relevant blocks, so as to reverse the chosen default direction.

The other parameters (AH, AV, OA, G, D, O, F) concern what the block’s 3D vignette shows. As 3D vignettes for the blocks of a catalogue can be exported for use in a printed catalogue, it is necessary to have complete control on the orientation, direction, and open/closed attribute of each of the vignettes.
Global adjustments are made via the Catalog | 3D drawings | Display dialog box.
However, such adjustments may not be suitable to some blocks, and one can replace the global adjustments by special ones, by adding one or several of these parameters to the parameters of the base part. Angles are given in degrees, without decimal places.

Parameters: LMIN, LMAX, PMIN, PMAX, HMIN, HMAX represent minimum and maximum dimensions which the articles of the block can have. The maximum values cannot exceed 32767. To specify that a dimension is not variable (grayed in the window of the catalogues of KitchenDraw) it is necessary to indicate a value with identical minimum and a maximum value (for example… LMIN=0,LMAX=0…).



Modifying the Constants

On top of the parameters mentioned above, it is possible, in the brackets, to modify the global or local constants involved in the geometry of the part’s topview symbol and/or of the 3D model.

Part BTPC (Diagonal end base unit) for example refers to global constants C46 (“Diag. end BU & TU front cut”) and C47 (“Diag. end BU & TU side cut”) to define points of its topview symbol.
Constants C46 and C47 being global constants, they should automatically and correctly apply to part BTPC, provided that the global constants were properly altered in the early stages of catalogue creation.
However, there may exist several types of base units with different cut-offs. In such a case, some of them will require the value of the constants to be adjusted accordingly, as in the following example: BTPC(C46=180,C47=250).

When a global constant appears as a parameter for a particular part, its value takes priority over its value as mentioned in the Table of Constants.

It is also possible to modify local constants, as in the following script, where carcass width and door width of the corner base unit can be controlled through local constants C1 and C2: BA(C1=1000,C2=600) 1PB(ID) &FIBCF(L=70).

Local constants thus allow parts used in the scripts to be adapted to the dimensions of the catalogue being created.


Parameters Sharing

To have scripts that are easier to read and to write, it is possible to attach parameters to several parts at the same time. This is done by putting the relevant parts in square brackets, as in the following script: BEV [2PB 1E](H=550)+2B(H=150).

In this script, the 2 doors and the shelf are both 550mm high. In this way, it can be seen very clearly that 2PB and 1E share the same altitude and the same height. This method of scripting occurs very often when it comes to specifying a front type and the equipment behind it.

This does not prevent parts to be found inside square brackets from having their own parameters, as in the following example, with shared heights but specific width parameters:

BEV [2PB(L=800)/1PB(IG,L=400)](H=550)+[2B(L=800)/1B(L=400)].

Note: It is only possible to create a parameter share to one level.



Relative Parameters

Up to now, we have been using parameters with absolute values, expressed in millimeters (W=800, H=550, etc.).

It is also possible to specify parameters as relative values of block sizes, as in the following examples:

L=1/2L (W=1/2W) (the part’s width is half the width of the block),
H=H-150 (H=H-150) (the part’s height is total block height less 150mm),
H=1/4H+150 (H=1/4H+150) (the part’s height is one quarter of block height plus 150mm),
P=2*P-50 (D=2*D-50) (the part’s depths is twice the depth of the block less 50mm).


Finally, you can also define parameter values by using global constants, as in the following examples:

H=H-C59 (the part’s height is the height of the block, less the value of the “Bridging Drawer Height” constant),
P=C80-50 (D=C80-50) (the part’s depth is the value of the “BU depth” constant, less 50mm).


On occasions it may be simpler to do the subtraction directly and attach the calculated value to D. The relative-value method is indeed only useful when creating a parameterizable generic catalogue, as with the “KITCHENS & BATHROOMS” catalogue, where changing the value of a global constant allows adjusting automatically a number of parameters inside the catalog. It is of no advantage when just entering a manufacturer’s catalog.


Using Catalogue Blocks as Parts or Components


When writing scripts, one can call other blocks already created in the catalogue in the same way as parts from the Base Catalogue. For this to be possible, the only requirement is to attach a code to the blocks one wishes to use as parts. The codes are entered in the first column of the Blocks Table, before writing the scripts that refer to them. The location in the catalogue of the block that is called (before or after the calling script) is immaterial. If the code for the block is the same as the code for a part in the Base Catalogue, the block takes priority.

If the block code has a ! or a & in front of it, MOBISCRIPT links the called block to the generated block as a component, instead of integrating it as it would normally. The called "component block " can be selected individually, and can be modified, suppressed, or declared present or absent. And, if it has a price, it will appear as an element in its own right in pricing documents.

The ! character is used when one wishes the "component block" to be absent by default; the & character is used when one wishes it to be present by default.

N.B. – Before referring to a block as a component, one should check that it has at least one article!


In addition to the standard parameters such as L, P, H, X, Y, Z, OZ, OX, OY, TC which makes it possible to replace the short text of the block called as a component by that of your choice, GT, GI, GG, GD, GA, DT, DI, DG, DD, DA, IG, ID, IA, IT and II that one can assign to the components, makes it possible to assign specific parameters to them:




Default value




"Nondependent". The component will not appear necessarily after the “parent” article in the quotation. It will be treated like an independent article and placed in the pricing at the place which it would have occupied if it had been placed on its own.



"Not Invoiced". The component will not appear in pricing even if the corresponding article has a price in the catalogue



Starting position on the X axis (width). Useful for example to specify displacement for sliding doors



Starting position on the Y axis (depth).



Starting position on the Z axis (height).



Final position on the X axis.



Final position on the Y axis.



Final position on the axis of Z.



See "Parameters specific to the basic parts"



Allows to specify the origin catalogue of the block that is "called" as a component.
The format of the parameter is as follows:

CAT=FILENAME where FILENAME is the file name of the catalogue on 8 characters maximum and without the extension.



Quantity (for an quantified component)



Indicates that the component represents a carcase panel (useful for the generation of the parts lists and the detailed bills of material)



Indicates that the component represents an front panel



Indicates that the component represents a profile (edging strip, edge moulding, etc.)



Indicates that the component represents a part (hinge, feet, etc.)



Indicates that the component represents a liquid product enabling assembly or finishing of the article (glue, varnish, etc.)



Indicates that the component represents labour



Indicates that component is an intermediate component.

See sub-section "detailed bills of material and cutting lists"



Indicates that the direction of the gain follows the width of the component (useful for the generation of the cutting lists and the detailed bill of material)



Indicates that the direction of the grain follows the depth of the component


CAUTION: so that a component is actually placed in the scene, its dimensions that are calculated from the dimensions of its "parent object" must be valid dimensions of the corresponding block in the catalogue.

If the block has variable dimensions, corresponding dimensions of the component must lie between the minimum and maximum values.

If the block has non variable dimensions, corresponding dimensions of the component must correspond exactly to dimensions of the articles of the block, except if these dimensions are 0.


Instructions in a script


In addition to the parts codes and their associated parameters, scripts can contain instructions which, during their compilation, will launch operations (importation of files, etc.) or add new functionality to blocks (link to a URL, declaration of variables, etc).

The instructions in a script begin all with the character "@".

The list of the instructions in a script is as follows:





Allows association of a URL (address of an Internet page) with a block. The user will be able to open the page in his Web Browser by selecting the block in the catalogue window in KitchenDraw, then clicking with the left mouse button and choosing "Specification Sheet".

Parameters can be inserted in the URL in order to make it generic:

·       %L: current language code (FRA, ENG, etc.) as indicated in the Setup | System dialog box 

·       %C: catalogue code

·       %B: block code


@URL( www.kitchendraw.com/%L/infobloc%C.htm)



Allows replacement of the 2D (or 3D) entity of the block either by indicating the name of another 2D (or 3D) entity from the catalogue, or by indicating the code of a part which uses this entity or by indicating a WMF or DXF file name for @2D  or 3DS or DXF file name for @3D to be imported.

If the file is located in the "Textures" directory under the Kitchendraw directory or in a sub-directory of the catalogues directory bearing the same file name as the catalogue, then the following format is sufficient:


If not, it is necessary to indicate the complete path like this:


The first time that script is compiled, the file and the textures it may use are imported into the catalogue. However, if the file is modified and you want to update it in the catalogue, it is necessary to remove the corresponding entity (bearing the name of the file) as well as associated textures before recompiling the script (using Catalog | Recompile scripts)


The 2D drawing will be replaced by calling a drawing found in the "Drawings" list of 2D entities .


Allows the launch an program after having placed the article in the scene.

These programs are called "Wizards" and they are generally used to configure complex objects like component part objects, the staircases, conservatories, etc. using a specific interface.

They can be developed in any programming language able to manage the DDE communication protocol like Visual BASIC, Delphi, Visual C++, etc.

The format is as follows:


Parameters in order can be added after the file name of the program.

The program must be in the KitchenDraw directory.

For more information concerning the development of wizards, please refer to the documentation of the " KitchenDraw SDK ".


You can store a comment relating to the script.


Allows insertion of a variable in a script in order to make the block adjustable using the standard wizard in KitchenDraw which one launches with the Object  | Wizard command.

For more information on parameterized scripts, please refer to the sub-section "Scripts varied by use of the KitchenDraw Object Wizard".



Manual Operations


Writing a script will complete an entire block. However, it may be that some of the characteristics of the generated block do not correspond to those it should have. Price type or fitting altitude might not be correct for example, or the short name or the long name might be incomplete or inappropriate. In such a case, any data that does not suit you can be modified manually in the columns of the Blocks Table.

MOBISCRIPT does not update any name that has been modified manually, even if the script is modified at a later stage. To give MOBISCRIPT control again requires deletion of the existing name entirely.


When a script is compiled, no quantity for the number of articles to be contained in the block is generated. This data is optional in the Blocks Table, as articles can also be created in the Articles Table, but it is quicker to fill the “Nb” column straightaway.

The number of articles in a block corresponds to the number of sizes in which the block is available, this number being doubled if the block exists in both left-sided and right-sided versions.
Entering the number of articles in the “Nb” cell of a block causes articles to be created in this block. They are created without reference numbers, but their direction and some of their sizes often appear with the values of the constants attached to the base part from which they are derived.

If you change the number of articles in a block by overtyping the “Nb” cell, this causes articles to be added if the new number is greater than the old one, or the last articles to be deleted if the number is smaller.



Finding Parts and their Constants


At this stage, you have probably sensed that the difficulty in writing scripts does not lie in MOBISCRIPT’s script grammar, which is quite simple, but rather in the amount of parts and drawings for which one must know the code and the constants.

With experience, you will memorize the commonest parts, whose scripts are generated according to logical rules.

At this first stage, you will find the exploration tool for the Base Catalogue quite useful. This allows you to examine the list of base parts, together with their description (long name) and the constants they use, as well as the list of drawings, the list of standard front models and the list of front drawings applying to each model.

This tool is the Base Catalogue dialog box, to be reached via Catalog | Base Catalog, or by pressing F2.


To learn more on how to use the Base Catalog dialog box, turn to the “Exploring the Base Catalogue” section below.


You will also discover that the parameterizable “KITCHENS & BATHROOMS” generic catalogue represents a treasure trove of scripts on which you can base your own scripts.



Practical Script Writing


You will find in the following sections specifics on script writing.


Corner units

90° corner units consist of corner base units (BA, BAF, BA2 and BA2F), corner tall tall units (AAF and AA2F) or corner wall units (HA, HAF, HA2 and HA2F).

Manufacturers treat width variations for 90° corner units which we script in the same block in two different fashions:

·         Either the variation in width of the cabinet is taken up by varying the service void between wall and carcass, door width and carcass width remaining identical (Type 1: BA, BAF, AAF, HA, HAF). In this case, constant C1 stands for carcass width and constant C2 stands for door width.


·         Or carcass width and door width are modified while the service void remains identical (Type 2: BA2, BA2F, AA2F, HA2, HA2F). In this case, constant C1 stands for service void width and constant C2 stands for the distance between wall and door.

Such elements also exist in carcass version (BA, BA2, HA and HA2) and in front version (BAF, BA2F, AA2F, HAF and HA2F).

Door direction must be specified by parameter ID if the hinges are fitted in the middle of the carcass (in most cases) or parameter IG if the hinges are fitted on the side.

Shelves can be wood shelves (1E, 2E, etc.) or semicircular ones (1EDL, 2EDL).

Most of the time a filler also called return filler has to be added to fill the gap between the corner unit and the units placed beside of it. if you wish to give users the ability to change the filler width or the filler distance to the wall, it has to be called as a component, by adding a “&” character in front of its code. Its width has to defined via a parameter.

Fillers exist in several versions: in line with the carcass and in carcass color (FIBC, FIAC, FIHC), in


line with the front and in front color (FIBCF, FIACF, FIHCF) and in line with the carcass and in front color (FIBCCF, FIACCF, FIHCCF).

N.B. – Add parameter SI (reverse direction) to the base part if the direction (G or D) in the catalogue you are creating does not correspond to the one defined in the Base Catalogue.



Fillers are easy to place in KitchenDraw when adding them next to cabinets that have already been positioned. But they prove awkward when one wishes to start one’s layout from a filler placed in a corner. This is the reason why “corner” parts have been added to the kitchen Base Catalogue. They allow precise positioning of a filler relative to a corner.
One adjusts the position of the filler relative to the walls by altering the size of the corner, i.e. its surface requirement.

There are 3 types of corners:

1.      90° corners (COIN90)

2.      135° corners (COIN135)

3.      90° corners for cabinets fitted at an angle of 45° across the corner
(with cut-off front) (COIN90PC)

“Corner” pieces can be used in two ways:

·         Either to create a virtual block (with an arbitrary reference, without price, etc.), its purpose being to call a real filler as a component (created at a previous stage in the catalogue, with block code, reference, price, etc.), as in the following example:
COIN90 &FIBA90(L=40,P=40,X=L,Y=P). Do take care to add parameters specifying the dimension and position of the filler relative to the corner, the dimension of the “corner” block being that of its surface requirement. This is the recommended solution for fillers that are available in different sizes, as it allows you to adjust both the positioning of the filler (through the size of the corner) and the size of the filler itself, which can be selected individually.

·         Or to create a block that links the filler and its surface requirement, as in the following example: COIN135 FIBA135(L=30,P=20,T=@TF1). In this case, you can control the size of the corner, i.e. the surface requirement, but not the size of the filler, since you cannot select it; the dimension of the filler has to be specified through the parameters. Except dimensions, an element created in this way has to feature all the characteristics of the filler article (reference, price, family, etc.).
When creating a KitchenDraw catalogue, it can be useful to offer users both fillers and corners, because they have both their advantages.
One then has to be careful to clearly distinguish their key references in the Articles Table. To distinguish the key reference of some articles while still allowing them to appear with the same manufacturer reference in price lists, estimates, bills, etc., simply add to the references the “_” character, followed by a single string of characters. KitchenDraw will then ignore the “_” character and the following ones when generating estimates, purchase order files, etc., but it will include all the characters when identifying and searching for articles in the catalogues.

The COIN135 part features two constants, calculated as follows according to filler width: C1 = WЧ0.924 and C2 = WЧ0.383.

For a diagonal 135° in the shape of V, the width is : L X 1,848




If you want to create a set of two fillers to position a cabinet in a corner at an angle of 45°, with a cut-off front, use COIN90PC as base part. The part that follows in the script depends on the shape of the fillers:








Whatever the chosen type, constant C1 stands for the width of the cabinet that is to be fitted, with a default value of 450mm.


Tall Units

Here a few tips to improve your scripts for tall units .

So that short names for tall units clearly distinguish between the different tall units, it is advisable to display door and recess heights as in the following example: “TU 1D69 int.69 1D55.2”.

This is done quite simply by calling part VALHCM. This is a part without graphic elements, which modifies only the short name. The height applying to this part will be displayed in the short name of the generated block, provided it is known when the script is generated. NOTE: VALHCM(H=959) or VALHCM(H=C105) are correct, while VALHCM(H=1/2H) or VALHCM(H=H100) are not.

This is the script that generates the block with the short name “TU 1D69 int.69 1D55,2”:


Using other parts allows display of the two other dimensions: VALLCM, VALPCM. But also VALL, VALP, and VALH for dimensioning parts in millimeters, or HVALLCM, PVALPCL, LVALLCM, HVALH, PVALP and LVALL, which display the letter that corresponds to the size, followed by its value, in cm or in m.


When creating tall units that include built-in (ENC) or integrated (INT) appliances, one starts by calling parts that already include as components one or several appliances, and possibly one or several blank panels. There is a wide range of them available, featuring a variety of combinations. Thus part ENCBFMO features a recess with a blank panel at the bottom, with an oven above and a microwave on top. The 4 appliances that can be combined after ENC are: B (blank panel), F (60cm-wide oven), F90 (90cm-wide oven) and MO (microwave oven).

Part INTREFGH feature a recess for integrating an appliance, with a tall refrigerator inside. The three types of appliances that can be combined with INT are: REF (refrigerator), REFPH (low refrigerator) and REFGH (tall refrigerator).

You can use the catalogue-parts (F2 to open the Base catalogue first) explorer to get acquainted with the different parts designed for built-in and integrated appliances.

The script above features part 1EFM. This is a fixed shelf, which separates different areas inside a storage unit (above a set of drawers, above a door, above a recess, etc.). This part comes in three versions:

1.      1EFM, with the shelf across the separation line,

2.      1EFH, with the shelf under the separation line,

3.      1EFS, with the shelf above the separation line.

Also note part DOS. Unlike base part A (tall unit), which features a back, this has been left out in both AE (tall unit for built-in appliances) and AI (tall unit for integrated appliances). The part DOS fits a back only for the areas of the tall unit where there are no built-in or integrated appliances.


Display Units

You will find in MOBISCRIPT four types of display-unit fronts:

1.      Fronts corresponding to the model (Door Style) chosen in KitchenDraw. The drawings of such cabinets are defined for each model, with codes such as 1PHV, 2PHGHV, etc.

2.      Frameless safety-glass fronts, whose code features the letters SG (1PHVVS, 2PHGHVVS, etc.)

3.      Thin aluminum frame fronts, whose code features the letters CA (1PHVCA, 2PHGHVCA, etc.) with a variable depth difference (constant C2) between the outer and the inner edge of the frame (default value 3mm).

4.      Thick wood frames fronts, whose code features the letters CB (1PHVCB, 2PHGHVCB, etc.). Constant C1 specifies the thickness of the frame (default value 50mm).


135° Corner Niches

When planning a 135° corner niche with a carcass depth other than 320mm, constant C1 is to be calculated as follows:

C1 = D Ч 0.707, as in the following example: HNA135(C1=247) 2EA135



Veneered Sides

Here is the method we recommend for veneered sides (or replacement sides):

1.      First create two blocks: “Veneered Side Left”, with the script CPG(P=P-20,Y=P-20) and “Veneered Side Right” with the script CPD( P=P=20, Y=P=20). These blocks must feature a block code, to be filled in the first column of the Blocks Table (CGP and CPD for example).

2.      Then allocate to each of the blocks as many articles as there are possible veneered-side sizes. As concerns depth, state the depth of the entire cabinet (front included), and not only carcass depth.

3.      Allocate both blocks, with the status of a absent component (“!” character), to each block that can receive veneered sides. Sides are allocated in the script as follows:
B 1E 1PB !CPG !CPD, with CPG and CPD being the codes for the two “Veneered Side” blocks created at step 1.

You will find examples of this method in the “KITCHENS & BATHROOMS” catalogue.

If blocks can receive 2 types of replacement sides (with 2 different depths for example), you have to create 2 further side-panel blocks (CPG(P=P+30,Y=P-20) and CPD(P=P+30,Y=P-20) for example), and allocate them additionally to the catalogue blocks, as in the following example: B 1E 1PB !CPG !CPD !CPG65 !CPD65.

In the example above, replacement sides CPG65 and CPD65 are deeper than the carcass, jutting out 5cm behind it, while CPG and CPD are flush with the back of the cabinet.


Side Panels, Pilasters, Jambs

These parts feature constant C1, which is the projection of the part relative to the carcass, with a default value of 0 for side panels and 20 for pilasters and jambs.

You must be careful to set the depth for this kind of item equal to carcass depth plus the value of constant C1 – otherwise problems are likely to arise with the automatic fitting of linear parts.

Side panels can be “decorated” on both sides, to allow molding. According to the required number of panels, JT1PAN, JT2PAN or JT3PAN can be used as follows: JTB(DEC=JT2PAN).


Linear parts

Linear articles are articles such as plinths, pelmets, cornices, hood beams, etc. In KitchenDraw, such parts are fitted along a shape. KitchenDraw calculates the quantities to be ordered by grouping together the drawn sections, and optimizes quantities according to the lengths available for each articles. The Base Catalogue offers a wide range of linear parts for kitchens, which you can consult by using the Base Catalogue Explorer in the section @LINEAR OBJECTS.

Linear articles which can be placed automatically (plinths, pelmets, sometimes cornices) are often allocated a Front Offset value (DF) and a Side Offset value (DL), these values corresponding to the distance between the back of the linear article and the edge of the carcass. You can modify any of the default offset values to be found in the Base Catalogue that are not suitable using parameters DF and DL.



There are 2 types of worktops:

·         Worktop for tiling, with a molding on the edge (codes PTC…).

·         Laminated worktops, glued-laminated worktops, etc., without molding on the edge (Codes PT…).


Worktop items available in the base catalogue are the following:

·         PTLIN and PTCLIN for linear worktop sections,

·         PTLINSP and PTCLINSP for special-depth linear worktop sections,

·         PTA and PTCA for cut-off corner worktops,

·         PTASP and PTCASP for special-depth cut-off worktops,

·         PTEPI and PTCEPI for worktops on peninsulas,

·         PTGAB and PTCGAB for worktop fitted by hand according to a template.


Worktop articles can feature the following parameters:

·         DF: front overhang of the worktop relative to the carcass, with a default value of 20mm for worktops for tiling and of 40mm for other worktops.

·         DL: side overhang of the worktop relative to the carcass, with a default value of 0mm for worktops for tiling and of 20mm for other worktops.

·         PC: cutting depth for 90° assemblies between two linear sections, with a default value of 0mm for worktops for tiling and of 20m for other worktops.

·         PCA: cutting depth for assemblies between a linear worktop section and a cut-off corner worktop, with a default value of 0mm for worktops for tiling and of 20mm for other worktops.

Cut-off corner worktops feature global constant C78 (“Tiling worktop depth”) or C79 (“Worktop depth”). You can create diagonal corner worktop elements that joint with linear worktop elements of various depths by changing these constants, as in the following example:

PTA(C79=C79+50) PVALPCM(P=C79+50), to create a diagonal corner worktop that joints with a linear worktop of 650 mm depth (constant C79 is set at 600mm).


Individual Fronts

The scripts for individual fronts must always begin with one of the following base parts:


Individual front


Individual front for tall unit


Individual front for base unit


Individual front for wall unit


Low individual front


Individual front for low tall unit


Individual front for low base unit


Individual front for low wall unit


Tall individual front


Individual front for tall tall unit


Individual front for tall base unit


Individual front for tall wall unit


These are then followed by the same front parts as those used for cabinets, as in the following example: FACH 1PH.


Scripts varied by use of the KitchenDraw Object Wizard


Variable scripts enable you to modify the article placed in KitchenDraw by using the Object Wizard i.e. the dialog box which opens when you launch Object | Wizard.

In the Wizard, you can change the value of the variables, take into account or ignore parts of the article using check boxes or, to choose between several parts using radio buttons.

Here are examples of variable scripts:


@VAR("Freezer Height"=C104)

@VAR("Fridge Height"=C107)

@VAR("Top Door Height"=C103)

AI [ 1PB VALHCM INTCONG](H="Freezer Height")+SEP(H=0)

+[1PA VALHCM INTREF](H="Fridge Height")+SEP(H=0)

+[{1PH(S=1) 1PR(S=0)}DOS E(S=1)](H="Top Door Height")


The script starts with the declaration of 3 variables which are initialized.

Then it becomes possible to use these variables in the place of constants or numerical values anywhere in script.

The parts which have the parameter S could be made visible, or not, thanks to a check box in the Object Wizard. If one writes "S=1", the part will be visible by default.

If one wants to offer a choice from several with a series of radio buttons, it is necessary to enclose the parts by [ ] as above for the type of the top door.


A script nearly identical to this one is presented in the catalogue "Kitchen Tutorial" (reference APARAM). Try to place the corresponding tall unit in a scene and to choose Objet | Wizard to see the power of variable scripts.

Unlike the variable script above, the script in the "Kitchen Tutorial" catalogue integrates the elements useful for the generation of the cutting list. As we wanted to group the optional shelf with the piece of panel necessary for manufacturing, we had to create an intermediate block (the $ETA block) so that the two parts are taken into account, or not, together.

Blocks of the catalogue "KITCHENS & BATHROOMS" have also variable scripts: they are the corner units like the BA51P95.


Technical symbols


Here is a script corresponding to a technical symbol which shows in elevation view but not in top view:

SYMTECEL (CL=50, CP=50, C1=50, C2=50, DEC="PRISE10A.WMF ", AH=0, AV=0, OA=1)


Here is a script corresponding to a technical symbol which shows in elevation view and in top view:

SYMTEC(CL=50, CP=50, C1=50, C2=50, DEC="PRISE10A.WMF ", AH=0, AV=0, OA=1) RECT(X=L-50,Y=P,2D="PRISE10A.WMF ",OZ=180)


The article of this block has the following dimensions: W=100, D=1 and H=100.


The C1 and C2 constants make it possible to position the reference point of the symbol (the point which will hold the dimensions) set from the bottom right corner of the drawing.

CL and CP constants must have complementary dimensions. Thus, CL must correspond to the width of the symbol minus C1 and CP must correspond to the height of the symbol minus C2.

",DEC=" PRISE10A.WMF "" causes the PRISE10A.WMF file to be imported (if not present already in the “Drawings” 2D entities list of the catalogue). To be imported, the file must be in the Kitchendraw textures directory or in a sub-directory of the catalogues directory which bears the same name than the catalogue itself. If not, the complete path must be specified before the file name.

Part "AH=0, AV=0, OA=1" of the script makes it possible to see the symbol perfectly from the front in the preview area of the catalogues window.

In "RECT(X=L-50....",  the 50 value represents the same value as the one which was assigned to C1.


The drawings of the technical symbols can be created in any vectorial graphic software able to export files into the WMF format.

They can be carried out also in KitchenDraw itself.

This requires the creation of a scene and the drawing of the required drawing top view using shapes and objects dedicated to 2D drawings. The objects of the "Objects for 2D drawing" section of the "@BASIC FORMS" standard catalogue can be very useful in this case.

Once the drawing is finished, run Zoom | Adjusted, then File | Export | Drawing (WMF).


Note: to obtain a drawing with a higher degree of accuracy, please draw your technical symbols using a scale higher than 1 in KitchenDraw (for example 10 times larger than in reality). 


Wall and Floor Tiling


The first step in the creation of tiles is the creation of textures in the textures table. Please refer to the Texture Tables section elsewhere in this document.

The textures must have a code that should be unique in the catalogue; a plain colour which represents the average colour of the tile; this color will be used to represent the tile if the user chooses a drawing mode without texture; the name of the JPG image file representing the tile (which will have to be in the KD\Textures directory or in a sub-directory of the Catalogs directory bearing the same name as the catalogue).

It is better to leave the "Width" and "Height" values of the tile to 0 so that the tile automatically adopts dimensions which the user could give to the tile before placing it in KitchenDraw.

It is also recommended not to tick "Modulated" so as not to lighten or to darken the image of the tile according to the plain colour that has been specified.


Once the texture is created, the code of the texture (CODETEX) must be assigned to the T parameter of the base block in the tile script, for example:



The FAIENCE part creates a tile whose texture (picture) is in the same direction as the texture indicated in the T parameter whereas FAIENCEH creates a tile whose texture is perpendicular to the texture (picture) indicated in the T parameter (tile positioned horizontally).


The C1 constant makes it possible to define the thickness of the grout, but remember, C1 represents only half the thickness of the grout. Remember also to add the width of the grout (C1 times 2) to the articles dimensions which you will associate with the blocks because those represent the tiles plus a half thickness of the grout all around.


If the tiles are sold per unit, just like some expensive decorative tiles, simply select the "per unit" pricing type. If the tiles are sold out of boxes, indicate the number of tiles per box by adding "PRICENB=n " as a parameter of the base block of the script.


Here’s a script for floor tiling:



By default, the colour of the grout is white for the blocks containing FAIENCE and FAIENCEH whereas it is grey for the blocks containing CARSOL. This colour can be modified by the user in the attributes dialog box in KitchenDraw.


Detailed bills of material and cutting lists


To be able to see the composition of the articles in the cutting list or bill of material, it is necessary to include details of the composition of these articles in the catalogues.

In practice, that means that all components must be included within each "block script", each component representing a constituent part of this article (a piece of wood panel, a hinge, 3 meters of edging, 20 cl of glue and even 20 minutes of labour).


Before being able to assign the components to the "blocks script", it is necessary to create all the blocks of the "component parts" i.e. all the panels bought by the manufacturer and from which the pieces will be produced, all the boards, the profile lengths, the hardware parts, the products, and possibly labour times. It will be necessary then to associate one or more articles to them so that they can be used as components.

Generally, these blocks are placed at the end of the catalogue in sections which are hidden by placing a "@" character at the beginning of the name.


A re ions________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________powerful feature of KitchenDraw is the fact that the composition of the articles is described in the blocks of the catalogue. Therefore, only one description is necessary to describe the composition of all the articles of a block in all the models and all the finishes in which they exist.

This is made possible on one hand thanks to the parametric format of scripts which makes it possible to specify dimensions of a constitutive part compared to dimensions of the article and on the other hand thanks to the families and the finishes which it is possible to apply to the articles as well as to the parts which constitute them.


If the dimensions of the constitutive parts are defined in the block script, their family and more generally the way in which the constitutive parts depend (or not) on the finishes of the article is defined at the level of the “generating blocks” of the parts themselves ; the “generating block” of a part being the block corresponding to the panel in which the part will be cut.

Three cases can arise:

1.      The part is invariable (it is identical whatever the model or the finish of the article).
For example, a piece of wood which is always of the same material and the same color, a hinge, a leg, etc.
In this case, it is enough to create a completely defined generating block such as the block "Melamine 18 mm white" ($$MELW18>) in the "KITCHEN TUTORIAL" catalogue and no family has to be specified for it. Consequently, it can be called directly as a component in the script of the "cabinet block".

2.      The part always takes the same finish as the article or a part of the article.
For example, a side of a carcass which must have the same "Carcass colour" finish as the article.
Here, it is necessary to create a "generic generating block" i.e. a block whose finish is not predetermined in the catalogue but which will follow that of the article thanks to the family which is assigned to it, as it’s the case for the "Melamine 18 mm" ($$MEL18C) block of the "KITCHEN TUTORIAL" catalogue.

3.      The finish of the part depends on the finish of the article or part of the article but while following an unspecified rule.
For example, the shelf of a carcass is white when the colour of the carcass is white or beech and is oak when the colour of carcass is oak (as in the "KITCHEN TUTORIAL" catalogue).
In this case, the system is more complex:
First of all, it’s necessary to create the basic generating blocks that are completely defined like "Melamine 18 mm white" ($$MELW18) and "Melamine 18 mm beech" ($$MELB18), if they have not been created already for other parts.

Then, it is necessary to create two levels of intermediate blocks which will operate like a selector.
The lower level will require the creation of as many blocks as possible finishes for the part, each one of these blocks calling as a component the corresponding generating block. The purpose of each one of these intermediate blocks will be to define for what finish of the article ("article finishes") the finish of the part that is associated with it is valid, i.e., for which finishes of the article the intermediate block exists (normally, for each article finish, only one intermediate low level block should be valid). For that, it will be necessary to assign a family to them which will reflect the "article finishes" on which they depend. The existence of an intermediate block in an article finish will be determined by the fact that its own article(s) has or not a price mentioned in the corresponding column in the prices table.

Lastly, a last block will be created which will call all the intermediate low level blocks as components knowing that for a given article finish, only one of them will be valid. The intermediate higher level block will have the same family as the intermediate low level blocks. It’s this last block that will be called as a component in the scripts of the "cabinet blocks".

Note: if you wish to manage the fronts depending on models in the cutting lists, you can also apply the method of the intermediate blocks. Create a first level intermediate block for each front type (door, drawer, etc.) and for each model. It will call a generating block as a component (PANF etc). Assign to the intermediate blocks the "Model dependant (fronts)" family. Each block will exist only in one (or possibly some) model. Then, create a second level intermediate block for each type of front. Each one will call all the low level intermediate blocks of the same type in the various models. It is these second level intermediate blocks that you will call finally in the scripts of "cabinet blocks".


Once the component blocks are created with a block code in the first column of the blocks table and at least one article, it only remains to call them as components in the scripts of the "final blocks" ne fois les  as in the example below:


B [1PB 1E](H=H-C59)+1T(H=C59)



&$MEL18C(PANC,Q=2,TC="Top rails",L=L-36,P=70,FILL)





The first parameter of these "component parts" is its type. It is used for the sorting of the parts in Kitchendraw and to prevent these particular components from appearing in the Object | Components dialog box. There are seven possible types:



Panel used for the construction of the carcasses


Panel used for the construction of the fronts


Profile (redges, etc.)


Fittings (hinge, leg, etc.)


Product (glue, varnish, etc.)




Intermediate type. A part of this type does not appear in the detailed cutting lists nor in the bill of material but its components do.


The parameter Q indicates the quantity of parts (Q=1 by default) and the parameter TC represents the description of the part.

Then, the parameters L (length) and P (width) make it possible to define dimensions of the part in relation to dimensions of the article. One can see in the preceding example that the "Bottom” panel has a length equal to the width of the unit minus 36 mm, i.e. the width of the unit minus twice the thickness on the sides and that its width is equal to the depth of the unit minus 20 mm, i.e. with the depth of the unit minus the thickness of the door.

Lastly, parameters FILL and FILP make it possible to specify for a part type PANC or PANF the direction of the grain in relation to the length (FILL) or width of the part (FILP).


Note: rather than detailing the list of the parts in each block for each unit (sides, bottom, top, back, etc), as that was done for the “KITCHEN TUTORIAL” catalogue, it can be preferable to create intermediate blocks which will gather commonly met parts groups (for example a block for a "Wall Unit") and to call these blocks as components in the final blocks. This saves time, increases reliability and also eases future updates.


Definition of a point and a reference axis


Thanks to the File | Export | Given management (XML) KitchenDraw command, it is possible to export an XML file containing information relating to the scene (the customer details, the finishes, the articles and their options, etc).

This information can be useful for example to feed various types of management software (ERP) and in particular production control software.

In this case, information regarding the position of the articles in the scene and their orientation can be useful. Therefore it is necessary to be able to define a reference point in the blocks as well as a reference axis.

This is done by adding a complement to scripts that takes the following form:

… &REFPOS(X =…,Y=…,Z=…,OZ=…,OY=…,OX =…)

where XY  and Z  represent the co-ordinates of the reference points in the block, OZ  the angle between the reference axis of the block and the 0X axis in the horizontal plane, OY  the angle between the reference axis of the block and to the 0X axis in the 0xz vertical plane and OX   the angle between the reference axis of the block and to the 0X axis in the 0xy vertical plane.


CAUTION: &REFPOS(…)  must be placed directly in the block script concerned and not in the script of an intermediate block called as a component.


For example, for a reference point placed at the back of the unit and in bottom left corner (when looking the unit from the front), it would be necessary to write:



The presence of the &REFPOS component in a script causes the insertion of the following "tags" in the XML file: < RefX >, < RefY >, < RefZ >, < RefOz >, < RefOy >, < RefOx >.


The < RefX >, < RefY >, < RefZ > values represent the distance from the reference point of the unit in the scene compared to the origin of the scene which is the centre of the green dotted rectangle.




The Articles Table

An article corresponds to a member of a block, in a given size and, if applicable, in a given direction (left or right).

Dimensions or directions are not entered in the Blocks Table described above. The only details given are the number of items belonging to a block.

Further details are given in the Articles Table, these are dimensions, possible direction, key reference, (optionally) a code and a purchase price.


Some of the sizes, as well as the direction of added or inserted articles are often entered automatically (from the Constants Table). MOBISCRIPT inserts the applicable values of the constants from the characteristics of the script’s base part.

For example, a block whose script starts with B (Base Unit) automatically inserts the depth of the articles in the block with the value of global constant C80 (“BU & TU depth”), and their height with the value of global constant C60 (“BU height”).

But for a block whose script starts with BPP (shallow base unit), the article’s depth is automatically inserted at the value of global constant C81 (“Shallow BU & TU depth”), and the item height at the value of global constant C60 (“BU height”).

Any sizes that have not been inserted automatically have to be keyed in. In addition, sizes automatically inserted by MOBISCRIPT can be modified by hand.

When the value of a constant is modified in the Table of Global Constants, the corresponding size is automatically updated in the articles table, except where the size has been inserted/modified by hand.

For improved efficiency when entering articles, it is very useful to work in parallel with a spreadsheet such as Excel – KitchenDraw comes with an Excel 97 document that assists in articles entry (ITEMS.XLS).


IMPORTANT: in a catalogue, there should not be more than one article having the same reference number and the same direction (L or R). Two articles having the same reference number must have different directions (one with a direction on the left and the other with a direction on the right).

However, to allow various types of installation, it can be that you need to show the same article twice with the same reference number but different attributes. For example, the same panel that one would like to be able to place either horizontally or vertically would need you to create two blocks with the same reference number.

In this case, the solution is to add a character "_" followed by other characters at the end of the reference number which will differentiate them. For example, for the panel to be placed horizontally, one could add "_ H" to the reference number and for the panel to be placed vertically, one could add "_ V".

The character "_" of the reference number as well as the following characters is ignored when estimates or the purchase orders are produced.


The Prices Table


When articles are created, one or several prices can be attached to them.
With articles belonging to a family where the “Price Per Model” box is checked, a price has to be entered for each created model.

If, for any particular reason, one of the articles of the block does not exist in one of the models, the corresponding price cell should be left empty (do not to put "0” at it).


With articles belonging to a family where one of the finishes displays choices where the “Price/Item” box is checked, each choice marked “Price/Item” has to receive a price.

If, for any particular reason, one of the articles of the block does not exist in one of the models, the corresponding price cell should be left empty (do not to put "0” at it).


Only a single price is attached to the other articles.

When a line corresponding to an article is selected, the column headings give the name and code of the corresponding model or choice if applicable.


Entering prices can be optimized in several ways.

The prices of left-sided and right-sided items are always identical. The program includes a method that avoids having to enter the same prices twice:

1.      Hide the right-sided articles by unchecking the “Right” box. This causes only left-sided articles to be displayed, as well as those without a direction.

2.      Fill in the price of the articles that are displayed.

3.      Select all the price columns in the table (but not the “Key Reference” and “Direction” columns).

4.      Copy the prices into the Windows clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Inser.

5.      Check the “Right” box again, and uncheck the “Left” box.

6.      Select all the price columns in the table (but not the “Key Reference” and the “Direction” columns).

7.      Paste the content of the Windows clipboard by pressing Ctrl+V or Shift+Inser.

8.      Check the “Left” box again.


It often happens that models or finish choices share an identical price column (price group). It can therefore be convenient to copy the prices in one column and paste them into another. However this can be dangerous when the columns in the table do not mean the same thing for different articles.

For copying one price column into another one to make sense, one must first select a specific family in the “View” option box. Now, a column in the table will represent the same model or finish choice for all the displayed articles.



The References Table


When creating articles in the Articles Table, each of them receives a key reference. Having a References Table would therefore seem to be irrelevant.

It can however be useful for some catalogues where a single article is allocated different references according to model or to finish choice applied to it.

The References Table is similar to the Prices Table.

It’s also possible to modify the key reference of articles that is displayed in the first column of the table


The Textures Table

The Textures Table is used to define all the colors (with or without textured effects) that are used in the catalogue. These textures can then be allocated to model finishes, to handles, to family finishes, or directly to catalogue elements through parameter T in the scripts,.

These textures can even be allocated transparency and reflection coefficients, for use in the “photorealistic” mode.


Here is the data to be entered:

·         Code: a combination of letters and digits (8 characters maximum).

·         Name: a name representative of the texture (25 characters).

·         Color: a plain color corresponding to the texture (also called “diffuse color”).
To define the color, double-click on the cell. The Color dialog box is displayed.

·         Reflection Coefficient: a number between 0 (no reflection) and 1 (mirror).

·         Transparency Coefficient: a number between 0 (no transparency) and 1 (white glass).

·         File (JPG or BMP)*: the name of the bitmap file depicting the texture. The .BMP or .JPG extension is mandatory. To be visible in KitchenDraw, the file has to be found in the textures directory specified in KitchenDraw’s Setup | System dialog box, or in a sub-directory of the catalogues directory bearing the same name as the file name of the catalogue.
You can type the name of the file directly on the keyboard but the most convenient way is to double to click in the cell and to choose the file using the explorer window which then opens.

·         Width*: width, in mm, of the material sample depicted in the .BMP or .JPG file.

·         Height*: height, in mm, of the material sample depicted in the .BMP or .JPG file.

·         The check box Tinted *: if this is ticked, the image (texture) will be tinted with the plain colour specified in the field "Color". If not, the colours of the original bitmap will be preserved just as they are. 

·         The check box Embeded *: if this is ticked, the contents of the file. JPG or. BMP indicated above will be incorporated in the catalogue and it will not be necessary to provide a separate file for this texture. However, the size of the catalogue file will increase significantly.

·         The check box Modulated *: if this is ticked, the file texture is lightened or darkened according to the average value of the plain colour specified in the field "Color". A plain color of RGB value equivalent to 128, 128, 128 will be neutral whereas a plain colour of RVB 200, 220, 210 will darken the file textures.





·                     The data marked * are not required if you just wish to add a plain color without textured effects.

·                     It is important to set the Width and Height with a sensible value if you want the texture to be scaled.
Important: If you indicate 0 for these values, the texture will be dimensioned automatically so that only one image completely covers the textured face. This is useful for example for textures representing images of tiles or cooker fronts. If set to 0, if one changes dimensions of the object in KitchenDraw, the image will also resize.

·                     The size of the image files must be reasonable in order to avoid slowing down the calculation of the objects in KitchenDraw. We recommend use of JPG files of an average size of 10 KB to 20 KB.

·                     So that the effect created by a file image is realistic, it is necessary that the associated image can be paved without one being able to distinguish the borders too clearly. In other words, it is necessary that there is a relative continuity between the top and the bottom of the image as well as between the left and the right-hand side.
This quality is easier to achieve on granites than on marbles or wood but there are principles which make it possible to improve the results. For example it is possible to change the sample image size to the size of the object to be textured. The image for granite could be small (a few centimetres in size) whereas the size of a marble top could be much larger (several tens of centimetres); however it will be necessary to choose samples without large pattern. A pattern in marble or a wood grain will generate a repetitive pattern giving bad results. It will also have to be checked as lighting is quite homogeneous on all the surface of the image.
There are software packages which make it possible to improve or to even create continuity of the borders. In particular the downloadable XFader software on Internet site www.pegtop.de. 



The Models Table


Catalogue door models corresponding to the set of “fronts” that can be fitted to carcasses.

Information which characterizes a model is as follows:

·         Code: model code corresponding to the code set by the manufacturer in the paper catalogue (8 characters maximum). Attention, the code is obligatory and must be unique in the catalogue,

·         Price Column (PC): indicates the pricing group of the model (optional),

·         Name: 30 characters maximum.
If the name of the model starts with the character "@", this one will be invisible in Kitchendraw. That can be useful to create a fictitious model from which one extract drawings (see example of the model with doors which are different for bottom and top covered at the end of the this section),

·         Script: characters string which determines the way in which the fronts will be displayed,

·         Description: description of the model which appears in the heading of the estimates (Word documents).



In the same way as for the blocks, MOBISCRIPT does not require you to draw model fronts. The only thing you have to do is write a little script for each model to be created. This script refers to the model codes to be found in the Base Catalogue. The Base Catalogue models are called standard models. You can look them up by using the Base Catalogue Explorer described in the “Exploring the Base Catalog” section below.

The first code of a model script is the code of the standard model it most closely resembles. This is called the base model. At their simplest, scripts amount just to the code of a base model.

When a script is interpreted, all the drawings that define the fronts of the base model are copied into those of the created model. In this case, even if the drawings of the fronts of the created model are perfectly identical to those of the base model as regards shape, colors can be freely chosen and adapted to the manufacturer’s colors (see “Table of Model Finishes” section).


There are several possibilities for those who wish to adapt their catalogue as closely as possible to a manufacturer’s models:

1.      Adapt the size constants of the base model.

2.      Replace some of the drawings that make up the front drawings by their equivalent in other models or by adding drawings from the Base Catalog. You could for example choose for a drawer front the front drawing of different model than the base model chosen for the doors.


Adapting the Constants of a Base Model


The front drawings for models make use of a number of size constants, such as frame width for frame-and-panel fronts. The constants can be modified in the same way as in block scripts.


Here is an example of a script showing how constants are modified:


Here the width of the horizontal and vertical frame members has been modified from the default value (50mm) to 80mm.


The meaning of constants is identical whatever the base models, although some models do not make use of all the constants.






Here is the list of constants:





Frame thickness



Frame thickness



Stile width



Rail width



Thickness of the center molding



Radius of a round-off in the corners of the center or the central panel (round-off externally as in the case of model PDA1 or internally as in the case of model PDC)

X, Y


Distance between central panel and door edge



Distance between central panel and door edge



Thickness of the molding in the central panel



Distance between door and frame (only for rustic frame-and-panel models)



Distance between door and frame (only for rustic frame-and-panel models)



Distance between the pane and the edge of the display-unit door



Distance between the pane and the edge of the display-unit door



Distance between central molding and drawer edge



Distance between central molding and drawer edge



Thickness of the drawer molding



Distance between knob fastening hole and door edge



Distance between knob fastening hole and door edge



Height of handle profile



Outside distance between the top moulding of the center and the top of the door (in the case of an openwork door).



Outside distance between the top moulding of the center and the bottom of the openwork zone (in the case of an openwork door).



Height of the openwork zone (in the case of an openwork door).



Height of the lower center (moulding included) for a bedroom door with two panels



Height of the lower central panel for a bedroom with two panels



Outside distance between the bottom of the top center and the bottom of the bedroom door with two panels



Height of the top center (moulding included) for a bedroom with two panels represented in relation to the height of the door. EG, C63=800 means that the height of the top center is equal to the height of the door minus 800 mm



Outside distance between the top central panel and the bottom of the bedroomm door with two panels



Height of the top central panel for a bedroom with two panels represented in relation to the height of the door. EG, C65=700 means that the height of the higher central panel is equal to the height of the door minus 700 mm



Outside distance between the handle and the bottom of the bedroom door







Replacing Front Drawings


As you saw, the base model, i.e. the standard model corresponding to the first code to be found in a script, calls all the drawings for the model generated by the script (more than fifty).

These drawings include both front types (low-door fronts, tall-door fronts, drawer fronts, low-display-unit fronts, etc.) and a hierarchy of intermediate drawings that are used in making up the final front drawings.

Scripts allow you to replace any of these drawings by any other drawing from one of the standard models or by a decoration from the Base Catalogue – this operation generating a hybrid model as close as possible to the manufacturer model.

This is done by adding to the script a text on the following pattern: CMSOURCEMC(DFDEST=DFSOURCE), where CMSOURCE represents the code for the standard model from which the drawing comes, DFDEST the name of the drawing to be replaced and DFSOURCE the name of the CMSOURCE model that replaces it.

If you enter @DEC as CMSOURCE, you replace the DFDEST drawing by a decoration, the name of which you enter as DFSOURCE.


The method is a simple one, but requires knowledge of the list of front drawings, their role and their relationships, so as to be sure that replacing a drawing gives the desired effect – it may be necessary to replace several drawings to change a display-unit front or a drawer front from the base model.

Here is the list of the front drawings applying to each model (even if some of them may be empty for some models):



Drawing Name




Background of the front drawing



Shape of the molding around door front and drawer front



Door front and drawer front surround



Shape of the molding around the central cutout



Center cut-out



Center cut-out (seen from inside)



Door frame
(door without the central panel)



Door frame
(seen from the inside)



Shape of the central panel molding



Central panel



Empty drawing that allows application a decoration onto door fronts. Example: to add dowels to doors, replace the DECOR drawing by the CHEVЧ4 decoration, by entering the text @DEC(DECOR=CHEVX4) in the script.



Shape of the central molding of a molded drawer



Molding of molded drawer



Base door (without rustic hinge nor offset in rustic frame-and-panel models)



Door without handle



Bottom door



Top door



Storage-unit door



Overhead door



Wide sliding door (2 handles)



Sliding door



Door (seen from the inside)



Base drawer
(without rustic hinge in rustic frame-and-panel models)



Drawer without handle (face with molding)






Plain drawer



Drawer (seen from the inside)



Wide drawer (with 2 handles)



Wide drawer (seen from the inside)



Plain face



Base glazed door
(without rustic hinge nor offset in frame-and-panel models)



Glazed door without handle



Bottom glass door



Glazed sliding door



Top glass door



Glazed hinged door



Glazed door
(seen from the inside)



Tall base glazed door
(without rustic hinge nor offset for rustic frame-and-panel models)



Tall glazed door without handle



Tall bottom glazed door



Tall top glazed door



Tall glazed door
(seen from the inside)



Bottom side panel



Low bottom side panel



Tall bottom side panel



Storage-unit side panel



Low-storage-unit side panel



Tall-storage-unit side panel



Worktop storage-unit side panel



Top side panel



Low top side panel



Tall top side panel



Empty drawing that allows the applying onto glazed-door fronts of one of the stained-glass drawings available in the base catalogue, for example by adding to the script the text @DEC(VITRAIL=VLOS3).



Empty drawing that allows the applying onto glazed-door fronts of one of the available divided-light drawings, for example by adding to the script the text @DEC(BOIS=PB3X2).



Empty drawing that allows the applying behind glazed-door fronts of one of the available divided-light drawings, for example by adding to the script the text @DEC(BOISINT=PBI3X2).



Empty drawing that allows the applying onto tall glazed-door fronts of one of the available stained-glass drawings,
for example by adding the text @DEC(GVITRAIL=GVLOS3)
to the script.



Empty drawing which makes the applyication of one of the glass or stained glass drawings available in the basic catalogue on the front of glazed doors. For example, using the text @DEC(GVERRE=VLOS3)  in script.



Empty drawing that allows the applying onto tall glazed-door fronts of one of the available divided-light drawings,
for example by adding the text @DEC(GBOIS=PB4X2)
to the script.



Empty drawing that allows the applying behind tall glazed-door fronts of one of the available divided-light drawings,
for example by adding the text @DEC(GBOISINT=PBI4X2)
to the script.



Decoration applied onto the side edges of drawer fronts



Decoration applied onto the top edge of drawer fronts



Decoration applied onto the bottom edge of drawer fronts



Decoration applied onto the side edges of doors and pull-out drawers



Door-front decoration applied onto the horizontal edge above the handle (for low doors, pull-out drawers, low display units, etc.).



Door-front decoration applied onto the horizontal edge under the handle (for top doors, lift-up doors, tall display units, etc.).



Cut out central openwork door



Central panel of the openwork door



Empty drawing which makes it possible to apply a decoration on the frontages of openwork doors



Basic openwork door



Openwork low door



Tall openwork cupboard



Openwork high door



Door low small width



Door low great width



Door high small width



Door high great width



Lower moulding for a bedroom door



Lower central panel for a bedroom door



Bedroom door with two full panels



Bedroom room with two panels (one the full and other glazed)



Bedroom Door with a panel mirror






The “Calls” column in the table above shows the relationships between front drawings. Replacing just one drawing may not be enough to change the drawing of a front type. Taking a script’s base model for example, if you wish to replace the drawing for the drawer (TIR) by a more appropriate drawing from another standard model, you would theoretically have to replace all the following drawings, representing the construction of the DRW drawer: TSP, TBASE, TCENTRE, TCENTREMOUL, TOUR, TOURMOUL, FOND.

In fact, you would probably not want to change the front surrounds (TOUR and TOURMOUL), nor the FOND. Also, except for rustic frame-and-panel models, DRWH just calls BASEDR, which you probably don’t want to change either.

In fact, only the drawings TBASE, TCENTRE and TCENTREMOUL need replacing. The text to key in to replace the drawer of the base model by that of model CCB for example is the following:


While carrying out this replacement, you might want to adapt the size constants defined in the source drawing: CCB(TBASE=TBASE,C30=60,C31 =25). Since the drawing is just copied over, the source drawing remains unaltered. The constants are modified only for the drawing of the model generated by the script.


Another possibility open to you while replacing a drawing is to modify one or several textures relative to the source drawing. Thus the following script applies a texture with the code BA to the drawer, Front Texture 1 still applying to the other fronts of this model:


You may have noted that this was the only purpose of this replacement, since the code for the source model is identical to the code for the base model.

In addition to the operations of replacement of drawings described above, version 2 of MobiScript allows the application of a drawing of one model to a drawing of another model.

That is done by adding to the script of the model a text of the form: CMSOURCE(DFDEST>DFSOURCE)  where CMSOURCE represents the code of the model (standard or not) containing the drawing called, DFDEST the name of the drawing which will contain the call and DFSOURCE the name of the drawing of the model CMSOURCE which will be called.

For example, we can specify that the short wide door of the rustic model with right framework that one creates starting with RD1 is the short door of model RDD1 by writing the following script:


Another possibility this new function has is to be able to create models with different doors for bottom and top (for example the standard doors at bottom and doors with cocked hat at the top).

If the model with cocked hat does not exist as a front model in the catalogue, it will be necessary to create an invisible model (its name will have to start with the character "@") which will have drawings of cocked hat fronts with CGINV as its code and RCG1 its script.

The script of the model to be created will then look like the following script:



In addition to the codes of models and their associated parameters, scripts of models can contain the instruction @URL which makes it possible to associate a URL (addresses of a page Internet) with a model. The user will be able to see the page in his Internet Browser by selecting the model in the catalogues window in KitchenDraw, then while clicking with the left mouse button and by choosing "Spec Sheet".

Parameters can be inserted in the URL in order to make it generic:

·       %L: code current language (FRA, ENG, etc.) as indicated in the dialog box Configuration | System

·       %C: code catalogue

·       %CODE: code model


@URL( www.kitchendraw.com/%L/info model %C.htm)


Table of Model Finishes


This table allows specification of the colors that apply to fronts, carcasses, side panels, as well as the drawer type and the types of glass  of models created in the Front Models Table.

In the Front Model Finishes Table, choose the model, and add as many lines as there are possible colors choices, for all the elements that apply to this model (eg Front Colour, Carcass Colour etc).

With the “Finish Type” option box, you choose the color choice (or the drawer type or glass type) you want to add.

If for example you choose “Front Colors”, the line you add or you insert into the table allows you to specify the three colors characteristics of a front in KitchenDraw (Center Color 1, Center Color 2 and Surround Color). KitchenDraw users will then be asked a single question when it comes to deciding the colors of a model front: Front Colors

But if the manufacturer whose catalogue you are entering allows different choices for center colors and surround colors for some models, you have to add in the table as many “Center Color” lines as there are colors available for the center, and as many “Surround Color” lines as there are colors available for surrounds. In this case, KitchenDraw users are asked two questions: Center Color and Surround Color.

In fact, colors can be defined in even more detail, for MOBISCRIPT allows you do differentiate between Main Center Color and Secondary Center Color – thanks to which you can specify borders of contrasting colors, for example.

The other “Finish Types” are:

·         Colour drawer  to determine the colour of the drawers if this is different to that of the doors

·         Profile Color, to determine the color of a profile handle

·         Carcass Color, to determine inside and outside carcass colors

·         Carcass Edge Color, to determine the color of the edges of carcasses

·         Drawers, to determine the drawer type (wood or metal, full-extension or not, etc.)

·         Side Panel Colors to determine the color of side panels (or replacement sides).

·         Type of glass to determine the type of glass used for the glass doors


When adding or inserting a line into the table, its Finish Type being set, there remain the following columns to fill in:

·         Code: code for the color choice, corresponding to the manufacturer’s code as found in his printed catalogue (8 characters maximum) Attention, this code is obligatory and must be unique for a given type of  finish of a given model,

·         Name: name of the color or drawer type or glass (30 characters maximum)

·         Colors: one or several option boxes (according to the Finish Type of the line), for which a texture is to be selected. The column heading changes according to the Finish Type of the line, and gives the destination of the chosen texture.

Rather than choosing the texture by opening the color drop down list, which little present a long list of textures, you can directly type the code of the texture color box. As soon as you change cell, the correct texture will be found and selected.

·         Price/article: indicates that a price must have entered for each choice of this type of finish for all the articles belonging to the model concerned,

·         Price: a base value used for the calculation of the price by adding the entered to the articles of the model concerned when this choice is validated in KitchenDraw (excluding those with "Prix/article"),

·         Tariffing: indicates how add the value presents in the column "Price" to the price of the articles.
The choice "idem block" indicates that the pricing will be the same as that of the block to which the articles belong.
Choice "per unit" indicates that the value will be directly added to the unit price of the articles.
The choice "x W m" indicates that the value will be multiplied by the width (in meters) of the articles before being added to the price of the articles.
The choice "Percentage" indicates that the value represents a percentage to be added to the price of the articles.
The choice "Nb doors" indicates that the value will be multiplied by the number of doors of the articles before being added to the price of the articles.

·         Grain: indicate if this choice of completion has a "direction of grain" i.e. an orientation. For example, in the case of a choice of finish corresponding to a wood grain, the box will have to be ticked because wood has an orientation of its texture whereas it does not have to be ticked in the case of a finish corresponding to a gloss paint.
Note : "Grain" is used only for the generation of cutting lists.



N.B. – A set of color choices may apply to several catalogue models. In this case, once a set of color choices has been created for a model, it can be quicker to add a set of empty lines to the other models, and to copy-and-paste the common data.


Model Handles Table


This table allows allocation of the available handles to the models created in the Models Table.

Once in the Model Handles Table, choose one of the models created at earlier and fill in as many lines as there are handles available for the current model.

The “Handle Type” option box allows choice of the parts to which the handle you wish to add can be fitted (to all fronts, to doors only, to drawers only).

If for example you choose “Handles”, the line you add or insert into the table defines a handle that can be fitted to all fronts; if you choose “Door Handles” (or “Drawer Handles”), the line will apply to door fronts (or respectively drawer fronts) only.

If the manufacturer allows, for a given model, door handles and drawer handles to be chosen independently, add a set of “Door Handles” lines and another set of “Drawer Handles” lines. The KitchenDraw user will then have to answer two questions when defining the scene’s generic finishes.

If the manufacturer allows just one choice of handles, add only lines of the “Handles” type. The KitchenDraw user will then be asked only one question.

In this last case, drawer handles need not necessarily be the same as door handles. It just means that they have to be chosen at the same time (linked handles). You will see later how this is done, by entering the “Type” data.

When a line is added or inserted into the table with its Handle Type set, the following columns remain to be filled in:

·         Code: handle code,
corresponding to the manufacturer code in the printed catalogue (8 characters maximum).
Attention, this code is obligatory and must be unique for a given model,

·         Name: handle name (30 characters maximum).

·         Drawing: drawing type, to be chosen from a drawings list.

·         W: handle width (largest size of the handle).

·         H: handle height (smallest size of the handle).

·         Texture 1: main handle color, to be chosen in the catalog’s list of textures.

·         Texture 2: secondary handle color, to be chosen in the catalog’s list of textures.

·         Vert.: indicates the vertical positioning of door handles.

·         H. centered: indicates that the handles are horizontally centered on the doors.

·         V. centered: indicates that the handles are vertically centered on the doors.

·         Price: sets the unit price of the handles. Each cabinet that is generated by a script features the relevant number of door and drawer handles. KitchenDraw therfore knows by how much to increase the price of the cabinet according to the chosen handles. “0” will add nothing to the cabinet price.

·         Type: indicates if the line refers to a handle that can be fitted to doors and drawers, to doors only or to drawers only.
If you have two handle lines in succession, the first one a “Door Handles” type and the second one a “Drawer Handles” type, KitchenDraw displays only one choice for both handles (with the name of the first line), but this choice gives rise to different handles (with the corresponding drawings and prices) for doors and drawers. This can be useful for rustic models, where you often have keyplates on doors and hinged handles on drawers.


N.B. – A set of handles will often apply to several catalogue models, in which case it can be useful to add a set of empty lines to other relevant models and to copy-and-paste the handles.



Families Table


The elements of a catalogue that share the same variants, i.e. that allow the same possibilities for the choice of finishes, are considered to belong to the same family.

The Families Table allows the creation of the families of a catalogue, and for each of them the specifying of their finishes, i.e. what is allowed to vary, such as worktop face, worktop edges, etc.

Once they have been created, these families can be allocated to the blocks in the Blocks Table.

The lists of finish choices associated with each family are created in the Family Finishes Table described below.

A family features the following data:

·         Code:

·         Name: is the name used in the option boxes of the “Family” column in the Blocks Table.

·         Options 1 to 8. Those are groups, to be chosen from a preset list. Eight groups are possible for each family simultaneously. Example: the “Thick-PVC-edge Worktop” family could feature two groups: “WT Colors” for choosing the color of the worktop face, and “WT Colors (Edge)” for choosing the color of the edges separately. The groups of a family are to seen in the “Finishes” dialog box for the articles that belong to this family.

·         Model Front indicates that front colors must be chosen from those defined at model level.

·         Model Carcass indicates that carcass colors must be chosen from those defined at model level.

·         Model Handle indicates that handles must be chosen from those defined at model level.

·         Model Drawer indicates that drawers must belong to the drawer type defined at model level.

·         Model decorated Sides indicates that decorated sides colors must be chosen from those defined at model level.

·         Type of glass: indicates a dependence on the type of glass defined in the finishes for the model,

·         Price per model indicates that the price of elements belonging to this family varies according to model.


The preset groups, to be chosen in the “Option 1” to “Option 8” columns, are the following:


Decorative-element Color 1

Front color for decorative elements (non model-dependant)

Decorative-element Color 2

Carcass color for decorative elements (non model-dependant)

WT height


WT color

Worktop face and edge color

WT color (edges)

Worktop edge color

WT edge color

The color of articles such as worktop edges or moldings.

Deco Shelves Colour


Deco Shelves Edges Colour


Plinth color


Pelmet color


Cornice color


Main hood color

Main color (for modern hoods) or beam color (for rustic hoods)

Secondary hood color

Secondary color (for modern hoods)


Color for non-related items

Left WT assembly

Worktop with cut-out on the left.
When a family is allocated this family, it comes with a set of default choices. These choices are visible in the family’s Table of Finishes, and the irrelevant choices have to be cancelled.
Thus the “Corner WT” family (i.e. cut-off corner worktops) has a “Left WT Assembly” family. (A large number of default cutout choices have been removed as inappropriate.)

Right WT assembly

Worktop with cut-out on the right(see above).

Main color


Secondary color


Colour panels

Colour of the panels of sliding doors (arrangement)

Colour profiles

Colour of the profiles of sliding doors (arrangement)

Colour rails

Colour of the rails high and low of sliding doors (arrangement)


The Base Catalogue features a number of default families. These are automatically allocated to the blocks generated from a script, according to the script’s base part.

These default families feature no Finish Choices. These are to be created in the family’s Table of Family Finishes according to the catalogue that is being entered.

It is also possible to create new Families if the catalogue needs several families for items which have their own colour choice, and there are not enough existing families to accommodate. To do this you can duplicate existing ones by adding lines at the end of the table and copy the lines from an existing family, changing the code and name of the family along with the colour choices.


The “Worktop Height” default family is a little different in that it is allocated to no block in particular. But choices can be added to it, in the Table of Family Finishes, if the catalogue features several worktop (or plinth) heights.


Table of Family Finishes

This table allows you to define the finishes that correspond to the families in the Families Table.

In the Family Finishes Table, choose one of the previously created families. Then, for each group of this family (“Finish Types” option box), create as many lines as there are choices.

Here is the data that characterizes a Family Finish:

·         Code: code corresponding to the code fixed by the manufacturer in the catalogue paper (8 charcters maximum). Note :, the code is obligatory and must be individual for a given type of finish of a given family

·         Name: this is the name KitchenDraw displays in the list of possible finish choices. (30 characters maximum),

·         1 to 8 Texture Choice columns. The number of columns to be filled in and the heading of the columns depends on the selected group.

·         Price/Item indicates that a price has to be entered for each choice in this group, for all the items belonging to the selected family.

·         Price: to be added to the price of the items of the selected family, when this choice is validated in KitchenDraw. (Price is exclusive of Price/Item.)

·         Pricing: see "Table of Front Model Finishes",

·         Width: cut-off width (applies only to the “Cut-off” or “Post-formed Cut-off” choices).

·         Depth: cut-off depth (applies only to the “Cut-off” or “Post-formed Cut-off” choices).

·         Height: (positive or negative) difference between plinth or worktop height relative to standard height (applies only to choices in the “WT Height” group.

·         Height: difference in height of bases, is positive or negative, compared to the default height of base (the height which was selected to define the constants N°90 or N°95 of the catalogue). This parameter is useful only for the choices of the type of finish "Worktop Height",

·         Grain: see "Table of Front Model Finishes".


Creating drawings with MobiScript




With version 4.5 of KitchenDraw, it is possible to draw 2D labels (used in Plan View) and to 3D model images, the writing of scripts makes it possible to create 2D drawings and 3D models but only by combining drawings and forms coming from the basic catalogue.

Version 4.5 now also makes it possible to import files of 2D drawings  in WMF and DXF format as well as files of 3D forms in 3DS and DXF format.


The 2D entities in the "2D entities"  table are the 2D drawings used on the one hand to represent the articles of the catalogue for top view and to be used as decoration to place on faces of the 3D entities (eg door fronts).

The 3D entities in the "3D entities table" are the 3D forms used to represent the articles of the catalogue in 3D perspective view.

The entities present in the catalogues and whose name starts with "Script" were generated automatically during the compilation of scripts of blocks.

You can add your own graphic entities and assign them directly to the blocks (to replace the entities generated by scripts) by adding to their script the following instructions: @2D("2DENTITYNAME")  or  @3D("3DENTITYNAME ").


The 2D and 3D entities are made up of a variable number of primitives (polygons, polylines, 2D calls … for the 2D entities, faces, decors, light sources, 3D calls … for the 3D entities) which, thanks to their capacity to call other entities can constitute tree structures.


The placing of the co-ordinates "variable/fixed"


We saw previously that the 2D entities and the 3D entities are attached to the blocks and not to the articles. As the articles of the same block generally have different dimensions, it is necessary thus that the 2D and 3D entities can be resized "intelligently" in order to represent all the articles accurately.


In a traditional definition of the points, (x,y) for 2D points and (X, y, Z) for 3D points, such a change is not possible. To change the dimensions applied to an entity results in proportional stretching of all the points of the entity. For example, if the width of a box is increased, the thickness on the sides increases in the same proportion whereas the thickness of the top and the lower part remains unchanged.


To overcome this constraint, we had to create a format of "parametric" points.

To enable this in a KitchenDraw catalogue, each coordinate point is defined by two components: 


When dimensions of the article are applied to the 2D and 3D entity at the time of placing in the scene, co-ordinates X, Y and Z of each point are calculated by KitchenDraw  by using the following formulas:


 X = Xvariable * Width  + Xfixed

 y = Yvariable * Depth  + Yfixed

 Z = Zvariable * Height  + Zfixed (for 3D entity only)


where WidthDepth  and Height  are the dimensions of the article applied to the 2D and 3D entities of the block.


Xvariable, Yvariable and Zvariable generally range between 0 and 1 and are often expressed in the form of fractions. This is why we chose to break up the variable component of the co-ordinates of the points into a numerator and a denominator.


The formulas of computation of the co-ordinates of points become finally:


 X = Xvar_num  / Xvar_den  * Width  + Xfixed

 y = Yvar_num  / Yvar_den   * Depth  + Yfixed

 Z = Zvar_num  / Zvar_den   * Height  + Zfixed


Thus, in MobiScript, three whole numbers are necessary to define each co-ordinate of a point as you can see in the table of the points of the 2D primitives table:


Point 1

X =




Y =

Y var_num




For example, to create the "Polylines" (1) and (2) of the drawing below, the points tables are as follows (the overall area of the entity is symbolized by the rectangle in dotted lines):



Polyline (1):

Point 1

X =




Y =




Point 2

X =




Y =




Point 3

X =




Y =




Point 4

X =




Y =





Polyline (2):

Point 1

X =




Y =




Point 2

X =




Y =




Point 3

X =




Y =





For the second point of the first polyline, the formulas for computation of the co-ordinates are:

X = 0  / 1   x L + 200  i.e., X = 0 + 200

i.e., X is 200 mm.

(item 2 is 200 mm from the left edge of the drawing whatever the width of the article).

y = 1  / 1   x P + (-200) i.e., y = P – 200

i.e., the depth of the article minus 200 mm.

(item 2 200 mm of the top edge of the drawing whatever the depth of the article).


For the second point of the second polyline, the formulas for computation of the co-ordinates are:

X = 1  / 2   x L + 0  i.e., X = 1/2 X L

 i.e., X is half of the width of the article 

(horizontally, item 2 is located at the centre of the drawing whatever the width of the article).

y = 1  / 2   x P + 0  i.e., y = 1/2 X P

 i.e., half the depth of the article.

(vertically, item 2 is located at the centre of the drawing whatever the depth of the article).

2D and 3D entities Calls 


Another significant characteristic of the 2D and 3D entities of the catalogues in KitchenDraw is their hierarchical aspect.

Among the primitives which can compose an entity, it is also possible to call it another entity which is already made up. This is a "2D Call " for the 2D entities and a "3D Call " for the 3D entities.

The principle is the same here as the subprogram call in data processing or the assembly of subsets in mechanics.

It is increasingly easier, faster and more efficient to create simple subsets then to assemble them rather than to create in one go the complex objects. In addition, maintenance is easier because it is enough to modify the part called so that all the entities which include it are automatically updated.

For example, to define the structure (3D entity) of a table made up of four legs and of a top, it is more effective to create initially the 3D entity "Table Leg", then the entity "Table Top", and finally to build the entity "Table" by calling the two preceding entities.

Moreover, it is often possible, during the creation of a KitchenDraw  catalogue, to find subsets which appear several times in an entity or which are common to several entities. In the field of the 3D entities, the parallelepiped is a good example. It is certain that you will be able to use the parallelepiped as a basic 3D entity in the creation of many objects.


The position and dimensions of the entity called are defined in the format "variable/fixed" which we saw previously which makes it possible made up entities to become resized intelligently according to dimensions which are given to it.


The number of levels of call of entities is not limited. In practice,  the most complex entities have 4 or 5 levels of call.


Table of the 2D Entities


Select "Top View" in the options box "2D Entities List" if you wish to see the entities representing the 2D plan drawings or "Drawings" if you wish to see the entities which are intended to be placed on the faces of the 3D entities in order to decorate them.

Information which characterizes an 2D entity is as follows:

·         Name: this must be placed in the instruction of script  (24 characters maximum),

·         Dimensions of visualization: "Width" and "Depth".


Table of the 2D primitives 


This table makes it possible to define the primitives which constitute an 2D entity.

The table is composed of three parts:

  1. The table of the actual primitive,
  2. The table of the parameters associated with the primitive selected in the preceding table,
  3. The display window of the entity.

The display window


This window shows the entity in the course of construction as well as the dimensions corresponding to the selected primitive.

The menus bar of this window also gives access to a number of possible functions.


Zoom  makes it possible to examine certain details of the entity more closely.


View  enables you to specify the conditions under which you want to see posting the entity (dimensions of visualization, mode of drawing, opening, magnetic points).


The commands of the Primitives | Move  enables you to relocate the selected primitives, i.e. to move them with a value expressed in the format "variable/fixed" described earlier.


The commands of the Shape menu  apply to the points of the primitives such as the polygons or polylines which has a succession of points in parameters.



Table of the 3D Entities 


Information which characterizes a 3D entity is as follows:

·         Name: this must be placed in the instruction of script  (24 characters maximum),

·         Dimensions of visualization: "Width", "Depth" and "Height" applied to the 3D entity during its design. Generally, you should choose values close to real dimensions of one of the articles of the block which will use this entity, but this is not obligatory. It can sometimes be judicious to exaggerate a small dimension to work under better conditions. Dimensions of visualization can be changed in the during production to see in the way in which the entity is formed.

·         Smoothed: indicates that this entity must be smoothed i.e. the edges between the facets are less sharp. Smoothing is not visible in photorealistic mode.

·         Not Shadowed: indicate that this entity will not receive solid drop shadows in order to increase the computing speed of the prospectives.

·         Drawing Information: "Angle H", "Angle V", "Opening", "Left" and "Closed" indicate under which angles and in which state the drawing of the entity will be posted in particular in the pre-view window of the catalogues and in the exported files of labels.


You can go directly to the table of the 3D primitives for an entity by clicking with the right mouse  button in the number which corresponds to it in the first column of the table and, once in the table of the 3D primitives, return to in the table of the 3D entities by pressing on Escape key.


Table of the 3D primitives 


This table makes it possible to define the primitives which constitute a 3D entity.

The table is composed of three parts:

  1. The table of the primitives itself,
  2. The table of the parameters associated with the primitive selected in the preceding table,
  3. The display window of the entity.
The display window


This window shows the entity during construction as well as the dimensions corresponding to the selected primitive. You can turn the entity in real time thanks to the two scroll bars.

The menu bar of this window also gives access to a number of other functions.


Zoom  makes it possible to examine certain details of the entity more closely.


View  enables you to specify the conditions under which you want to see posting the entity (dimensions of visualization, mode of drawing, opening, magnetic points).

It also makes it possible to define the mode of selection in the window.

If you choose the "Point Mode", a left click in the window causes the selection of the points of the primitive of the entity nearest to the pointer position. A red star then appears on the point and the co-ordinates in the table of the parameters of the point conform to the "Star".

If you choose the "Face Mode", a left click in the window causes the selection of the face nearest to the observer. If the required face is behind this one, click several times until it is selected.


The functions of Primitives  relate to one or more primitives.

The function Primitives | Move  enables you to relocate the selected primitives, i.e. to move them of a value expressed in the format "variable/fixed" described earlier.

The Primitives function | Faces |…  carries out operations on the primitives of the type "Face", "Double sided Face ", "Rotating Face" or "Elevation Face" exclusively.

Some of these functions are very useful to re-work entities resulting from import of 3DS or DXF. These imports sometimes generate faces whose normals are not in the right direction i.e. the order of the points is reversed to the way it should be. This results in some faces not being visible on the "good side". It is therefore advisable to turn over them.

The function Primitives | Faces | Turn over with propagation   turns over the selected face but can also turn over the closest faces gradually so that they all are in a continuity of surface. The joint use of the selection of face and the accelerator "R " is most effective.

The function Primitives | Faces | Propagate orientation  alters the closest faces without affecting the selected face.

The entities resulting from importation often consist of triangles which sometimes induces the drawing of unaesthetic features in the medium of the faces having more than three sides. However, KitchenDraw is able to manage unspecified polygonal faces and therfore avoid this problem.

The function Primitives | Faces | Unify neighbouring faces   combines into a more complex face the coplanar faces closest to the selected face.

The function Primitives | Faces | Unify  carries out a global process on the entity level and groups sets of coplanar neighbours into complex faces.

The commands of the Shape  applies to the points of the primitives such as the faces which have a succession of points in parameters.


Exploring the Base Catalog


Since creating a catalogue requires the writing of scripts made up of parts and drawings which are found in the Base Catalog, it is absolutely essential to know the existing parts and drawings that can be used, as well as the constants that allow them to be adapted to your needs.


The Base Catalogue dialog box has been designed to make this easier. It is displayed when you select Catalogue | Base Catalog, or press F2.



This tool can be used to display four different types of entities:

1.      The Blocks (parts) used in writing the block scripts.

2.      The Drawings which can be applied to parts (in the case of block scripts) or when personalizing model drawings (in the case of model scripts).

3.      The Front Models used in the writing of model (door style) scripts.

4.      The Front Model Drawings applied when personalizing model drawings (in the case of model scripts).

The type of entities you wish to explore should be selected in the “Entities” option box.


Exploring the Blocks (Parts) of the Base Catalog

To explore the parts of the Base Catalog, choose Blocks in the “Entities” option box.

The option box to be found just to the right contains the list of “Sections” to which the parts are allocated, according to their type.

The middle table gives the list of all the parts in the Base Catalog.

Choosing a section takes you to the first element in the chosen section, as displayed in the table below.

This table features two columns: the “Code” column, corresponding to the codes to be entered in the block scripts, and the “Description” column, with the part’s description, which is also its long name.

When a part is selected in the table, its drawing is displayed in the drawing area, and the list of applicable local and global constants is displayed in the bottom table.

This table features three columns, giving:

1.      The Number of each constant,

2.      The default Values of the constants,

3.      The Description of the constants.
In the case of local constants, and failing an explanatory text, their description shows in brackets the list of axis where the constant has been set. (X) for example means that the constant refers to a value on the width axis. Together with its value, this allows you to assume the purpose of the constant.

The drop-down lists located to the right half of the dialog box make it possible to reach a part following a succession of hierarchical choices. The first choice must be made in the list in the top box on the left ("Carcass", "Front"…). This choice results in the display of the list in the top box on the right with choices of a second level adapted to the choice of first selected level and so on until reaching the desired part.


Exploring the Drawingss of the Base Catalog

For exploring the parts of the Base Catalog, choose Drawings in the “Entities” option box.

The middle table gives the list of the drawings to be found in the Base Catalog.

The data that is displayed is the same as for the blocks.


Exploring the Front Models of the Base Catalog

To explore the parts of the Base Catalog, choose Front Models in the “Entities” option box.

The middle table lists the models in the Base Catalog. When a model is selected, a door, a drawer and a display-unit front are depicted in the drawing area.

The bottom table displays no constants. The constants that allow personalization of fronts is visible when one chooses to display the Front Model Drawings entities (see following section).


Exploring the Front Model Drawings in the Base Catalog

To explore the parts in the Base Catalog, choose Front Model Drawings in the “Entities” option box.

The Front Model Drawings are the front drawings associated with a model, as well as all the intermediate drawings that make them up. The way in which Front Model Drawings combine to produce model front drawings is described in the “Front Model Drawings” section earlier in these instructions.

The list of Front Model Drawings is identical whatever the model. However the drawings change from model to model.

The option box to be found to the right of the “Entities” option box lists the models, the table lists the Model Drawings.

The selected Front Model Drawings is depicted in the drawing area. The list of applying local and global constants is shown in the bottom table.


Searching for a text

Whatever the entity selected, it is possible to search for a text in the middle table (“Code” and “Description” columns).

Clicking several times in a row on the “Search” button allows scanning the occurrences of the text one is looking for.

Miscellaneous Functions


Reorganizing the entities

If you want to change the order of the entities in a MOBISCRIPT table (to change the sequence of sections, of blocks inside sections, etc.):

1.      Go to the table, by selecting the appropriate type of entity in the “Entity” option box.

2.      Choose Catalogue | Reorganize.
This causes the Reorganize dialog box to be displayed, with two lists of entities.

3.      Select in the list on the left (Source) the entity that is to be moved, and in the list on the right (Destination) the entity in front of which or after which to insert it.

4.      Click on the “Before” or on the “After” button.

5.      Repeat stages 3 and 4 as many times as there are entities to be moved.


Translating a catalog

The catalogues entered with MOBISCRIPT are automatically multilingual for the most part, since the short names and the long names of the blocks are translated when the script is interpreted.

What remains to be translated is: the name of the catalogue, section headings, model names, model-finish names, handle names, the name of any additional families, and family-finish names.

Certain short block names and long block names would probably also need correction.

To modify or add translations in the texts of a catalog:

1.      Choose Catalogs | Translate.
This causes the Translation dialog box to be displayed.

2.      Fill in the column corresponding to the language into which you want the catalogue translated.
In the “Sort” option box, you can sort the list of texts in the alphabetical order of a given language, or in the order in which they are to be found in the catalogue (Ident). In this last case, the texts are grouped by entity types.
The identifier is made up of single number in the catalogue, followed by the entity type (CN = catalogue name, CC = section name, BN = block name, BT = long block name, etc.).

3.      Validate by clicking on “OK” or by pressing ENTER.


The operations "copy/paste " between the translation table and software like Excel or Word is possible.

This enables you for example to benefit from the functions of replacement, orthographical correction or machine translation of the software used.

You must ensure that the catalogue has not been changed between "copying" it from MobiScript to the external software and it "pasting" from external software to MobiScript, if not, you are likely to have a shift of the translated texts compared to the source texts.

In the same way, if you translate in a language using a particular alphabet, the operation "copy/paste" between the external software and MobiScript must be done by using a version of Microsoft Windows which uses the same alphabet.


Here are texts common to the translation of the KitchenDraw catalogues:


To move between tables


In all the tables except the constants table, it is possible to jump directly from one entity to another entity bound by simple a right click of the mouse in a cell of the table.

In the sections table, if you click with the right mouse button in the cell containing the number of blocks of a section, you jump directly in the blocks table to the first block corresponding to this section.

In the same way, if you click with the right mouse button in the number of lines of a block (first column of the blocks table), you "go up" a level, i.e., you jump in the sections table to the site of the section corresponding to the block.

These "hyper bonds" also relate to textures, families, finishes, etc.

Finally, if you press on Escape key, you return to the preceding table of the last "jump".


To compact a catalogue


At its creation, a catalogue imports the total contents of the basic catalogue on which it was based.

Once the catalogue is completed, it can be useful to remove from the catalogue all the parts of the basic catalogue which are not used i.e. drawings which are not called in scripts. This makes it possible to reduce its size.

To compact a catalogue:

·         Choose Catalogues | Compact.
This operation can take several seconds.


If you open in MobiScript a catalogue which was compacted, you will see a message asking you whether you wish to carry out an update of the basic catalogue, even if the basic catalogue did not change since the creation of the catalogue.

This message simply warns you that the catalogue does not contain all the parts of the basic catalogue. If you answer "Yes" to the message, the update of the basic catalogue will enable you to reinstate all of the parts.

To export the data of a catalogue


It is possible to export the data contained in a catalogue in an XML file format as well as the labels (drawings) of all the blocks of the catalogue in WMF file format.

To export the data of a catalogue:

1.      Choose File | Export | XML (XML) and 3D Drawings,
A dialog box enables you to indicate the directory where the files will be written.

2.      Validate by clicking on "OK" or pressing the Enter key on the keyboard.


A progression bar shows you the progression of the operation and allows you to cancel it .

The style of drawing of the labels can be specified thanks to the dialog boxes accessible by the Catalog | 3D Drawings |… commands. 

Annex – Make-up of Part References



Base Parts





Type (A: armoire storage unit, B: base unit, H: йlйment haut wall unit, SA: sur-armoire storage-unit top, TP: tiroir-pont bridge drawer, ER: йlйment а rideaux shutter unit, EPT: йlйment sur plan de travail worktop unit, SSPT: йlйment sous plan de travail under-worktop unit)


function (_: storage, C: cooking, CB: casier bouteille bottle rack, E: pour appareils encastrйs for built-in appliances, EC: йlйment de compensation compensation part, EG: йgouttoir draining rack, EV: йvier sink, F: four oven, FEV: faзade sous йvier front under sink, H: for hood, HT: for drawer hood, HV: for visor hood, I: for integrated appliances, N: niche, V: vitrine display unit, VA: sous vasque under basin)


size and location (_: standard, PH: petite hauteur low, PP: petite profondeur reduced-depth, PHPP: petite hauteur et petite profondeur low and reduced-depth, GHPP: grande hauteur et petit profondeur tall and reduced-depth, GH: grande hauteur tall, TPH: trиs petite hauteur very low, PT: posй sur plan de travail on worktop)


 shape (_: straight, A: angle corner for compensation filler (constant door width), A2: angle corner for compensation filler (variable door width), APC: angle pan coupй cut-off corner, A90: 90° corner, SP: sans porte without door, PC: pan coupй cut-off, SPPC: sans porte pan coupй without door, cut-off, TPC: terminal pan coupй cut-off terminal, TAR: terminal arrondi rounded terminal)


alignment  (_: aligns on carcass, F: aligns on front)


decoration  (_: none, LATH: lattй lathed, SSR: sans rideaux without shutters)






FI + purpose  (A: armoires for storage units, B: for base units, H: meubles hauts for wall units)


  height  (_: normal, PH: petite hauteur low, GH: grande hauteur tall)


 shape  (_: straight, open top and bottom, RB: droit avec retour en bas straight with bottom angle, RH: droit avec retour en haut straight with top angle, RBRH: droit avec retour en bas et en haut straight with bottom and top angle, A90: 90° angle, A135: single-piece filler with 135° angle, A135V: V-shaped 135° angle, C: compensation for non-diagonal corner unit)


alignment  (_: carcass, F: front, CF: carcass in front color)





For fitting cabinets in 90° corners


For fitting (cut-off) cabinets at 45° in a 90° corner


For fitting a cabinet in 135° corners


2 straight fillers for CORN90CO


2 carcass-aligned 135° fillers for CORN90CO


2 front-aligned 135° fillers for CORN90CO


2 carcass-aligned V-shaped 135° fillers for CORN90CO


2 front-aligned V-shaped 135° fillers for CORN90CCO



Complementary Parts





Number (_: several fronts or rows of fronts on top of each other, 1: a single front or row of fronts, n: several fronts of rows of fronts)


type  (P: porte battante side-hung door, PR: porte relevante overhead door, PRP: porte relevante pliante folding overhead door, PAB: porte abattante flap door, PC: porte coulissante sliding door, PP: porte pliante multifolding door, PTPC: porte terminale pan coupй cut-off terminal door,
B: bandeau lisse plain face, BM: bandeau moulurй molded face, BC3: bandeau de commande а 3 boutons 3-knob control panel, BC5: bandeau de commande а 5 boutons 5-knob control panel, BCA3: bandeau de commande d’angle а 3 boutons 3-knob corner control panel, BCA5: bandeau de commande d’angle а 5 boutons 5-knob corner control panel,
T: tiroir drawer, TL: tiroir lisse plain drawer, TDEC: tiroir dйco decorative drawer, FT: faux tiroir dummy drawer, C: coulissant pull-out drawer,
RIDR: rideau relevant roll-up shutter, RIDC: rideau coulissant sliding shutter, BRID: bandeau cache-rideau shutter casing, TABEX: table extensible pull-out table)

purpose (_: default, A: armoire storage-unit front, B: base-unit front, B60: 60°-opening base-unit front, B90: 90°-opening base-unit front, H: haut wall-unit front, H75: 75°-opening wall-unit front, H90: 90°-opening wall-unit front, SP: sans poignйe without handle)

size (_: normal, PH: petite hauteur low, GH: grande hauteur tall, PL: petite largeur narrow, GL: grande largeur wide,)

material (_: wood, V: vitrйe glazed)

layout (_: none, 2C: 2 coulissants juxtaposйs 2 side-by-side pull-out drawers, 2CV: 2 coulissants vitrйs juxtaposйs 2 side-by-side glazed pull-out drawers, 1PR: 2 portes relevables juxtaposйes 2 side-by-side overhead doors, T2: 2 tiroirs superposйs 2 drawers, one on top of the other, 1P1T: une porte et un tiroir superposйs one drawer above one door, 1C1T: un coulissant et un tiroir superposйs one drawer above one pull-out drawer)

display-unit type (_: according to model, VS: verre sйcurit safety glass, CA: cadre alu aluminum frame, CB: cadre bois wood frame)

number of fronts on top of each other (_: 1 front, 2: 2 fronts on top of each other, …, 6: 6 fronts on top of each other)




Shelves (E)


Number + E + type (_: adjustable, F: fixed, P: plateau tray, EG: йgouttoir draining rack)

shape (_: flat-edged straight shelf, PC: pan coupй cut-off shelf, APC: angle pan coupй cut-off corner shelf, A90: 90° corner shelf, A135: 135° corner shelf, TPC: terminale pan coupй cut-off end shelf, TAR: terminale arrondie rounded end shelf, P: plateau tray, HH: haut pour hotte hood-top shelf, DL: demi-lune semicircular shelf, PIV: pivotante revolving shelf, CA: droite chant arrondi round-edged straight shelf)


  material  (_: wood, V: verre g0lass, FILX: fil mйtal dans le sens de la largeur widthwise metal wire)


  additional element  (_: none, B: balusters, BM: metal balusters, F: frieze)


 + position (M: the middle of the shelf aligns with the top, S: the bottom of the self aligns with the top (on, sur), H: the top of the shelf aligns with the top (haut])




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